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Reporting Micro front-end

The Reporting micro front-end enables your users to create report specifications, run them, or save them for later use.

From the GUI, users can:

  • select columns from existing data sources
  • save the report with a name and retrieve it for future use
  • apply ad hoc filtering to a report
  • export the report results to .csv format

The micro front-end has a GUI that walks the user through generating a report.

Example showing creating a new report

Once the report is created it can be viewed in the GUI, and also exported to a .csv file.

Example showing the list of all generated reports

All the generated reports are stored for retrieval later. The report configuration is saved and the report updated when the user runs the report again. Example showing the list of all generated reports


Front-end configuration

To enable this micro front-end in your application, follow the steps below.

  1. Add @genesislcap/foundation-reporting as a dependency in your package.json file. Whenever you change the dependencies of your project, run the $ npm run bootstrap command again. There is more information on this in the package.json basics page.
"dependencies": {
"@genesislcap/foundation-reporting": "latest"
  1. Import the module and configure the route in your routes config.ts file.

Synchronous example

// Import
import {Reporting} from '@genesislcap/foundation-reporting';

// Routes configure
public configure() {
{path: 'reporting', element: Reporting, title: 'Reporting', name: 'reporting'},

Asynchronous example

// Import
import {Reporting} from '@genesislcap/foundation-reporting';

// Routes async configure
public async configure() {
{path: 'reporting', element: (await import('@genesislcap/foundation-reporting')).Reporting, title: 'Reporting', name: 'reporting'},

If there are no reports in the database, you will see an error on the web page saying there are no reports to load - this is expected behaviour.