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Server Configuration

Auth module

The server-side of User Management component depends almost entirely on the Genesis auth module. It's a built-in module that is installed by default, because all Genesis apps need the auth module as a prerequisite.

After the project generation, if you go to the /server/ file, you can see there's an authVersion:


Always use the latest auth version on your application due to security reasons.

In the Genesis Home directory, you can see the basic structure of the auth module:

├─ auth
│ ├─ bin
│ ├─ cfg
│ ├─ data
│ ├─ lib
│ └─ scripts
  • bin: .jar files.
  • cfg: configuration files for auth module.
  • data: .csv files that contain initial data.
  • lib: .jar files.
  • scripts: specific scripts with procedures for auth module issues.

It's important to load the initial data (.csv files) inside data folder. Do this using SendIt command or using Import CSV(s) to Genesis option using the IntelliJ Plugin.

Auth processes

These are the auth processes running via mon command: