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A combo-box is an input with an associated pop-up that enables users to select one value from a collection of possible values.

Use cases:

  • Selecting pre-defined values
  • Sorting
  • Filtering




<rapid-option value="s">Small</rapid-option>
<rapid-option value="m">Medium</rapid-option>
<rapid-option value="l">Large</rapid-option>


name: 'my-element',
template: html`
@change=${x => x.selectChanged()}
value=${sync((x) => x.comboboxValue)}>
<rapid-option value="s">Small</rapid-option>
<rapid-option value="m">Medium</rapid-option>
<rapid-option value="l">Large</rapid-option>
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement {
@observable comboboxValue = '';
selectChanged() {
console.log('Combobox selection changed ' + this.comboboxValue)


Property and attribute binding examples for Genesis Component syntax. Closing tag omitted.

autocomplete"inline" | "list" | "both" | "none"Defines how autocompletion works in the component. Default: none
<rapid-combobox autocomplete="inline">
case-sensitivebooleanSets whether to treat values in a case-sensitive matter. Default: false
<rapid-combobox case-sensitive>
disabledbooleanSimilar to readonly, but with a blur on the component.
<rapid-combobox disabled>
formstringAssociates this component to a form. Form id needs to be passed. If no Id informed, then it will be associated with the ancestor form.
<rapid-combobox form="myForm">
ignore-input-clickbooleanSets whether to keep the dropdown closed when the input field is clicked. Default: false
<rapid-combobox ignore-input-click>
openbooleanDefines whether the combolist starts opened or not. Default: false
<rapid-combobox open>
position"above" | "below"Places the combolist above or below the combo-box. Default: it will try to fit with the page
<rapid-combobox position="below">
placeholderstringSets placeholder text for the element (which disappears when the user starts typing)
<rapid-combobox placeholder="Sample text">
valuestringSets an initial value for this component
<rapid-combobox value="InitialValue">
scroll-to-selected-when-openingbooleanScrolls to selected option when opening
<rapid-combobox scroll-to-selected-when-opening>
scroll-when-selection-changesbooleanScrolls when the selection changes
<rapid-combobox scroll-when-selection-changes>

autocomplete has the following settings:

  • inline: as the user types in the combo-box, the component displays valid options for completing the entry within the combo-box.
  • list: as the user types in the combo-box, the component displays and filters the combolist above or below the combo-box.
  • both: the component behaves as both inline and list.
  • none: the component does not provide autocomplete.

The native behaviour of a combobox component is to accept whatever entry the user inserts, even if it is not one of the options available.

In order to avoid this, implement some protection manually.

Option attributes

In order to use the component, you need to create a list of options for the user to select from. You create this list using <rapid-option>. You can define the following attributes for an <rapid-option>:

disabledbooleanDisables an option so that the user cannot interact with it, but the option is still visible
selectedbooleanSelects the option, so it turns to the selected mode
valuestringThe value of the attribute
  • If you specify a selected or value to more than one option then the component selects only the first in the rapid-option list

You can also use the repeat directive to create options dynamically in the code:

  const sampleSelectOptions = [
{label: 'Large', value: 'l'},
{label: 'Medium', value: 'm'},
{label: 'Small', value: 's'},
import {html, repeat} from '@genesislcap/web-core';
(x) => x.sampleSelectOptions,
<rapid-option value="${(x) => x.value}">${(x) => x.label}</rapid-option>


This component doesn't have any properties which are not also controlled via attributes.


startContent which can be provided before the button content.
endContent which can be provided after the button content.
controlUsed to replace the input element representing the combobox.
indicatorThe visual indicator for the expand/collapse state of the button.


controlThe element representing the select invoking element.
selected-valueThe element wrapping the selected value.
indicatorThe element wrapping the visual indicator.
listboxThe listbox element.

Events fired

@changevoidFires a custom 'change' event when the value has changed.
<rapid-combobox @change="${(x) => x.changeHandler()}">

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.