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File Upload

Use cases:

  • Uploading files to the server

The file-upload component can be used to select single or multiple files from the local file system. Selected files can be uploaded to a server using the Upload button.





name: 'my-element',
template: html`
label="File Upload (JSON files only)"
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement {

In addition, the uploaded files can be viewed in the data-grid. The data-grid also provides a Download button.


Property and attribute binding examples for Genesis Component syntax.


  • entity-id, upload-key and field-name attributes are required for the file-upload component to work.
  • If no other attributes are passed, the file-upload component will use the default values for those attributes.
labelstringThis attribute specifies the caption for the file input, similar to HTML Label element. There is no default value specified for label.
<rapid-file-upload label="Upload file">
acceptstringThis attribute determines the file formats that the file input should be able to select. Multiple file formats can be specified by separating them with a comma: accept=".doc,.docx,application/pdf". By default all file formats are allowed.
<rapid-file-upload accept="application/json">
fileSizeLimitBytesstringThis attribute specifies the maximum file size in bytes that is supported by the file input. The default value is 104_857_600 (100MiB).
<rapid-file-upload fileSizeLimitBytes="10000">
uploadedFilesResourceNamestringThe uploadedFilesResourceName attribute is the target Data Server or Request Server name that the data-grid uses to display the uploaded files. The default value for this attribute is ALL_FILE_ATTACHMENTS.
<rapid-file-upload uploadedFilesResourceName="resource">
uploadEventNamestringThis attribute specifies the HTTP endpoint that will be used to upload the files. The default value is attachment-handler/upload.
<rapid-file-upload uploadEventName="EVENT_UPLOADER">
fieldNamestringThis attribute specifies the field name that will be used by the uploadedFilesResourceName as key for filtering the files list.
<rapid-file-upload fieldName="FieldOne">
entityIdstringThis attribute specifies the unique identifier that will be used by the uploadEventName endpoint to upload the files. This unique identifier will also be used by uploadedFilesResourceName as a value to filter the files list.
<rapid-file-upload entityId="Identifier">
uploadKeystringThis attribute specifies a unique key that will be used by the uploadEventName endpoint to upload the files.
<rapid-file-upload uploadKey="UniqueKey">
grid-fieldsstringThis attribute specifies the name of fields that you want to display as grid columns from the metadata of the data-grid datasource. By default all the fields from data-grid datasource metadata will be displayed. They must be specified in the format: FILE_NAME DOWNLOAD LAST_UPDATED_BY LAST_UPDATED_AT. The ordering which the fields are specified, will be reflected in the data-grid columns. If you want to display the Download button in the grid, you must include the DOWNLOAD field in the grid-fields attribute list along with downloadEventName attribute.
<rapid-file-upload grid-fields="FILE_NAME DOWNLOAD LAST_UPDATED_BY">


downloadEventName(rowData: any) => stringThis property is an observable of type function. When you click the download button from a row in data-grid, it sends the rowData object as a parameter to the downloadEventName function. It should return the name of the endpoint that will be used to download the file. This is required in order to enable the download functionality.
<rapid-file-upload downloadEventName="DOWNLOAD_EVENT">
filesGridColumnDefinitionsArray<ColumnDefinition>This property is used to override the colum definitions used in the attached grid
<rapid-file-upload :filesGridColumnDefinitions=${() => definitions}>


endslot for clear icon


file-name-inputThe text field showing the selected file.
select-file-buttonThe select file button.
upload-file-buttonThe file upload button.
uploaded-files-gridThe uploaded files grid.

Events fired

errorOutEventEmits when there is an error in the file upload.
<rapid-file-upload @errorOut=${(x, ctx) => x.handleError(ctx.event)}

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.