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Text Area

Use cases:

  • Comments
  • Descriptions
  • Multi-line text inputs
  • Complex searches


Sample text area with maxlength 20 and three rows.Sample text area with resize both set




name: 'my-element',
template: html`
<rapid-text-area :value=${sync((x) => x.textAreaValue)}>
Sample Text Area
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement {
@observable textAreaValue = '';
textAreaValueChanged() {



appearance"filled" | "outline"Changes the general view of the element; this can be filled or outline
<text-area appearance="filled">
autofocusbooleanWhen true, the component will be focused when the page has finished loading
<text-area autofocus>
colsnumberDefines the size of the element horizontally. Default: 20
<text-area cols=2>
disabledbooleanSimilar to readonly, but with a blur on the component
<text-area disabled>
formIdstringAssociates this component to a form. Form id needs to be passed. If no Id informed, then it will be associated with the ancestor form
<text-area formId="formId">
maxlengthnumberThe maximum number of characters allowed
<text-area maxlength=100>
minlengthnumberThe minimum number of characters allowed
<text-area minlength=50>
namestringDefines the name of the element
<text-area name="textAreaName">
placeholderstringSets placeholder text for the element, which disappears when the user starts inputting
<text-area placeholder="Sample place holder text">
readonlybooleanIf true, the user cannot change the value of this field
<text-area readonly>
resize"none" | "both" | "vertical" | "horizontal"Configures which ways the user can resize the text area. Default: none
<text-area resize="vertical">
rowsnumberDefines the size of the element vertically. Default: 2
<text-area rows=5>
valuestringThe text area content. Use the sync utility to bind the data from the template back to the model.
<text-area value=${sync((x) => x.textAreaValue)}>


This component doesn't have any properties which are not also controlled via attributes.


startContent before the text area input
endContent after the text area input


labelThe label for the text area.
controlThe input for the text area
fieldThe text area element

Events fired

changeeventEmits a custom change event when the text area content changes. Access the value on the event via .target.value.
<rapid-text-area @change="${(x) => x.myChangeHandler(event)}">

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.

Further details

This component is an implementation of an HTML text-area element.