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Connection indicator

The ConnectionIndicator component provides a clear visual indicator of the status of the connection between the user device and the app server.

Use cases:

  • visual representation of the websocket connection status


The example below shows a communication indicator, in this case showing disconnected.




name: 'my-element',
template: html`
<rapid-connection-indicator show-label></rapid-connection-indicator>
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement {



This table shows attribute binding examples for Genesis Component syntax. The HTML closing tag is not included.

show-labelbooleanDisplays the host url if connected; otherwise, it displays the text disconnected.
<rapid-connection-indicator show-label>


The properties of this component are controlled via attributes.


This component doesn't have any slots.


This component doesn't have any parts.

Events fired

This component doesn't fire any events.

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.

Login Form

This component is integrated into the form of the login page. To enable it, set the showConnectionIndicator parameter to true.

Example login route settings

path: 'login',
element: Login,
title: 'Login',
name: 'login',
layout: loginLayout,
settings: {
defaultRedirectUrl: 'protected',
public: true,
resetPassword: true,
forgotPassword: true,
requestAccount: true,
ssoToggle: true,
ssoEnable: false,
showConnectionIndicator: true,
childRouters: true,

Result (connected)

Result (disconnected)