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Progress ring

A progress ring displays a circular indicator that an action is in progress.

  • If it contains a value attribute, the indicator shows how far the action has progressed towards completion (referred to as a determinate state).

  • If there is no value attribute, the indicator simply displays an animated circle until the action has been completed (referred to as an indeterminate state).

Alternatively, you can indicate progress using the progress component, which displays progress along a horizontal line.

Use cases:

  • progress indicators
  • metric visualisation


The example below has two progress rings. The first has a value of 75 against a max of 100, so it indicates that the action is 75% percent complete. The second is indeterminate, so it simply shows the animated circle.




name: 'my-element',
template: html`
<rapid-progress-ring min="0" max="100" value="75"></rapid-progress-ring>
<rapid-progress-ring min="0" max="100"></rapid-progress-ring>
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement {


Property and attribute binding examples for Genesis Component syntax. Closing tag omitted.


valuenumberThe value of progress to be shown.
<rapid-progress-ring value="75">
minnumberThe minimum value of progress.
<rapid-progress-ring value="0">
maxnumberThe maximum value of progress.
<rapid-progress-ring max="100">


The properties of this component are all controlled via attributes.


indeterminateThe content shown when no value is set (no progress is made).
determinateThe content shown when a value is set (some progress is made).


progressAvailable for the determinate progress slot.

Events fired

This component doesn't fire any events.

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.