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This introduces a comprehensive system for tracking analytics events throughout the foundation-comms package. It uses a typed event system and a configurable analytics instance to provide detailed insights into user interactions and navigation within the application.

Key components

  • Event Types Enumeration (FoundationAnalyticsEventType): Defines a list of supported analytics event types, such as controlClicked and routeChanged, ensuring type safety and consistency in event tracking.
  • Event Interfaces (FoundationAnalyticsEvent Namespace): Describes the payload structure for each event type, facilitating the capture of relevant event data.
  • Analytics Interface and Implementation (FoundationAnalytics and DefaultFoundationAnalytics): Specifies the contract for an analytics tracking system and provides a default implementation that integrates with the analytics library.

Usage examples

Tracking a control click event

import { FoundationAnalytics, FoundationAnalyticsEventType } from '@genesislcap/foundation-comms';
import { FASTElement } from '@microsoft/fast-element';

export class MyExampleClass extends FASTElement {
@FoundationAnalytics analyticsService: FoundationAnalytics;

onClick() {
this.analyticsService.trackEvent(FoundationAnalyticsEventType.controlClicked, {
name: 'settings-button',

Tracking a route change event

import { FoundationAnalytics, FoundationAnalyticsEventType } from '@genesislcap/foundation-comms';

export class MyExampleClass {
@FoundationAnalytics analyticsService: FoundationAnalytics;

navigateToSettings() {
this.analyticsService.trackEvent(FoundationAnalyticsEventType.routeChanged, {
path: '/settings',
referrer: '/home',


  • Consistent Event Naming: Adhere to a consistent naming convention for event names and payloads to ensure data integrity and ease of analysis.
  • Selective Tracking: Track meaningful interactions and transitions that offer insights into user behavior, avoiding excessive event logging.
  • Configuration and Extension: Utilize the DI system to configure or replace the analytics tracking implementation as needed to accommodate specific requirements or integrate with different analytics providers.