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This provides a comprehensive interface for authentication management within a Genesis Server endpoint environment. It encapsulates the entire authentication flow, from login to logout, including session management and user state observability.

Interfaces and classes

Auth interface

  • Description: Main interface for authentication operations.
  • Key Properties:
    • isWorking: Indicates ongoing authentication processes.
    • isLoggedIn: Boolean flag denoting user's login state.
    • isLoggedIn$: Observable for reactive login state tracking.
    • currentUser: Reference to the currently authenticated user.
  • Key Methods:
    • login(credentials: AuthInfo): Authenticates a user with provided credentials.
    • logout(): Logs out the current user.
    • reAuthFromSession(): Attempts re-authentication using existing session data.

DefaultAuth class

  • Description: Default implementation of the Auth interface.
  • Behavior:
    • Manages user authentication state, including login, logout, and session-based re-authentication.
    • Utilizes Session, Connect, MessageBuilder, and CredentialManager for managing authentication flows and session information.
    • Emits changes in login state through a BehaviorSubject, allowing reactive components to respond to authentication state changes.

Authentication process

  1. Login:

    • Invokes login() with user credentials.
    • Constructs and sends a login message to the server.
    • On successful authentication, session details are stored, and the user state is updated.
  2. Logout:

    • Invokes logout().
    • Sends a logout message to the server.
    • Clears session data and updates user state accordingly.
  3. Re-Authentication:

    • Utilizes reAuthFromSession() for session-based user re-authentication.
    • Checks for valid session information and attempts to re-authenticate the user without requiring credential input.

Observing user login state

The module provides isLoggedIn$, an Observable that emits boolean values representing the user's login state. This allows components and services to reactively respond to changes in authentication state, enhancing dynamic UI updates and state-dependent functionality.

Usage Example

import { Auth, BasicAuthInfo, AuthType } from '@genesislcap/foundation-comms';

export class MyExampleClass {
@Auth auth: Auth;

async function loginUser() {
const credentials: BasicAuthInfo = {
type: AuthType.BASIC,
username: '',
password: 'password123',

try {
const result = await this.auth.login(credentials);
console.log('Login successful:', result);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Login failed:', error);

async function logoutUser() {
try {
await this.auth.logout();
console.log('Logout successful');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Logout failed:', error);

async function reAuthenticateUser() {
try {
await this.auth.reAuthFromSession();
console.log('Re-authentication successful');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Re-authentication failed:', error);

Extending and customizing

  • Custom Authentication Strategies: Implement the Auth interface to introduce custom authentication mechanisms or integrate with external identity providers.
  • Session Management: Leverage the Session service for enhanced session persistence and management strategies, supporting complex scenarios like token refresh or multi-factor authentication processes.


  • Security: Ensure secure handling of user credentials and session data, following best practices for data protection and secure communication.
  • Session Expiry: Implement session expiry and renewal mechanisms to maintain user sessions securely and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Error Handling: Handle authentication errors gracefully, providing clear feedback to users and logging detailed error information for troubleshooting.