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Real-time aggregation (Consolidator)


A Consolidator aggregates data in real time or on demand, based on a database table/view input.

Use cases include:

  • Calculating and persisting real-time positions based on intra-day price changes.
  • Producing snapshot reports of daily trade numbers.
  • Generating snapshot numbers for charts.

Consolidators can be used in two ways:

  • As a service: Outputs to a table entity, updating a target table based on table/view real-time updates.
  • On demand (as a Consolidator object): Used in code for on-demand consolidations and what-if analysis; outputs are not saved in the application’s database.

Example configuration

Consolidator as a service

Here is an example Consolidator file that defines two Consolidators used as a service:

  • CON_ORDER_FROM_TRADES. This Consolidator builds the ORDER table records using the CONSOLIDATOR_TRADE table. It assumes the ORDER records do not exist in the system and are created automatically by the consolidator based on the ORDER.ORDER_ID and ORDER.ORDER_DATE fields (using groupBy and build). It uses max, min, sum and count functions, and the table has been marked as transient, so it can be cleared and recalculated with a consolidator coldStart.

  • CON_ORDER_SUMMARY_FROM_ORDER. This Consolidator builds the ORDER_SUMMARY table using the ORDER table and groups by the field ORDER.ORDER_DATE from the ORDER table. You can give multiple groupBy conditions based on your requirement. In this second Consolidator, we store all the consolidations grouped by ORDER_DATE year and ORDER_DATE year and month in database, (which are defined right at the end of the Consolidator). This avoids duplication of Consolidator code if you need to group the same consolidation based on different groupBy conditions.

consolidators {

config {
tableTransient = true

select {
first { symbol } into SYMBOL // All trades for same order ID will have the same symbol, pick the first we find.
first { side } into SIDE // All trades for same order ID will have the same side, pick the first we find.
first { counterpartyId } into COUNTERPARTY_ID // All trades for same order ID will have the same counterpartyId, pick the first we find.
max { price } into MAX_PRICE
min { price } into MIN_PRICE
avg { price } into AVG_PRICE
sum { price * quantity } into TOTAL_NOTIONAL
sum { quantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY
count() into TRADE_COUNT

groupBy { Order.ByIdDate(orderId, tradeDate) } into {
build {
Order {
orderId = groupId.orderId
orderDate = groupId.tradeDate
indexScan { ConsolidatorTrade.byOrderId(groupId.orderId) } // Need to recalculate certain functions

select {
sum { totalNotional } into TOTAL_NOTIONAL
sum { totalQuantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY
sum { tradeCount } into TRADE_COUNT

groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}") }
groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}-${orderDate.monthOfYear}") }

Table definitions used in above examples:

val sideEnum = sharedField("SIDE", ENUM("BUY", "SELL"))

table("ORDER", 1001) {
field(name = "ORDER_ID", type = INT)
field(name = "ORDER_DATE", type = DATE).notNull()
field(name = "TRADE_COUNT", type = INT)
field(name = "TOTAL_QUANTITY", type = LONG)
field(name = "TOTAL_NOTIONAL", type = DOUBLE)
field(name = "MAX_PRICE", type = DOUBLE)
field(name = "MIN_PRICE", type = DOUBLE)
field(name = "AVG_PRICE", type = DOUBLE)
field(name = "COUNTERPARTY_ID", type = STRING)
field(name = "SYMBOL", type = STRING)

primaryKey("ID", "ORDER_DATE") // Unique identifier is composed of ID + ORDER_DATE

table("ORDER_SUMMARY", 1003) {
field(name = "GROUP_ID", type = STRING)
field(name = "TRADE_COUNT", type = INT)
field(name = "TOTAL_QUANTITY", type = LONG)
field(name = "TOTAL_NOTIONAL", type = DOUBLE)


table("CONSOLIDATOR_TRADE", 1004) {
field(name = "TRADE_ID", type = INT)
field(name = "ORDER_ID", type = INT).notNull()
field(name = "TRADE_DATE", type = DATE)
field(name = "QUANTITY", type = INT)
field(name = "COUNTERPARTY_ID", type = STRING).notNull()
field(name = "SYMBOL", type = STRING).notNull()

indices {

More advanced examples

The example below has a single consolidator, called CONSOLIDATE_POSITIONS.

To give you some basic pointers to the content, the main code blocks in this Consolidator are:

  • The config block contains Consolidator level configuration
  • The select block to specify some calculations and assign to output fields
  • The onCommit block to amend the output row
  • The groupBy block groups by INSTRUMENT_ID
config {
logLevel = DEBUG
logFunctions = true
select {
sum {
when(side) {
"BUY" -> when(tradeStatus) { // Ensure "BUY" trades are considered negative quantity in the position record.
TradeStatus.NEW -> quantity
TradeStatus.ALLOCATED -> quantity
TradeStatus.CANCELLED -> 0
"SELL" -> when(tradeStatus) { // Ensure "SELL" trades are considered negative quantity in the position record.
TradeStatus.NEW -> -quantity
TradeStatus.ALLOCATED -> -quantity
TradeStatus.CANCELLED -> 0
else -> null
sum {
val quantity = when(side) {
"BUY" -> quantity
"SELL" -> -quantity
else -> 0
quantity * price
} into VALUE
onCommit {
val quantity = output.quantity ?: 0
val marketPrice = when { // Calculate market price based on bid or ask price depending on current position quantity.
quantity > 0 -> input.emsBidPrice ?: 0.0
quantity < 0 -> input.emsAskPrice ?: 0.0
else -> 0.0
output.notional = marketPrice * quantity // Calculate notional based on current market price.
output.pnl = output.value - output.notional
groupBy {
} into {
lookup {
build {
Position {
instrumentId = groupId
quantity = 0
value = 0.0
pnl = 0.0
notional = 0.0

Consolidator on-demand

As an alternative to running a Consolidator as a service, you can create Consolidator objects as classes that can be used in code elsewhere in your application. They can be used in custom services, as well as in Request Servers and Event Handlers.

These Consolidators perform on-demand consolidations where the input can be:

  • read directly from the database
  • provided at runtime
  • a combination of both of these

Effectively, that gives you three types of Consolidator object, which we shall introduce after the following simple example:

// consolidate database records:
val order: Order? = tradeConsolidator.get(Trade.ById("A"))
val orders: List<Order> = tradeConsolidator.getRange(Trade.ByOrderId("A"), 1).toList()
// consolidate runtime instances:
val order: Order? = tradeConsolidator.consolidate(trade)
val orders: List<Order> = tradeConsolidator.consolidate(trade1, trade2, trade3)
// what-if analysis, combine both database records and runtime instances:
val result = tradeConsolidator.whatIf(Trade.ByOrderId("2"), trade1, trade2)

Three types of Consolidator object

In practice, you can create three types of Consolidator object to cover different use cases:

  • input-output
  • read input table
  • read output table

To showcase each of these, we shall use simple examples based on the following simplified data models:





Input - Output Consolidator

This type of Consolidator is not limited to tables. It can take any input and produce any output; that output can be used elsewhere in your application.

For example, your Consolidator object can read a table of trades and create the sum of all trade values.

The consolidator can receive either a Trade or a List of Trades; it returns a List of TradeDetail. The consolidation process is:

Trade List (Runtime) TradeDetail List (Runtime)


Here is a simple example input-output Consolidator that handles this use case:

val trades:List<Trade> = createTrades()
val tradeConsolidator = consolidator<Trade, TradeDetails> {
select {
sum { price * quantity } into TradeDetails::totalNotional
sum { quantity } into TradeDetails::totalQuantity

groupBy { TradeDetails.byInstrumentId(currencyId) } into {
TradeDetails {
tradeDetailsId = groupId.tradeDetailsId
var tradeDetails:List<TradeDetails> = tradeConsolidator.consolidate(trades)

Read Input Table Consolidator

This type of Consolidator reads a table where data is changed and then creates an output; the output can be anything.

For example, the Consolidator could read updates to a table of orders and check the table of trades to find other trades that match that order (by order number or by counterparty, for example).

The consolidation process for this is:

Trade List (Runtime + DB) TradeDetails List (Runtime)


Here is a simple example read-input-table Consolidator that handles this use case:

val runtimeTrades:List<Trade> = createTrades()
val dbTrades:List<Trade> = createDbTrades()

val db by lazy { asyncEntityDb }

val tradeConsolidator by lazy {
db.dualConsolidator<TRADE, POSITION_DETAILS> {
select {
sum { price * quantity } into NOTIONAL
sum { quantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY

groupBy { TradeDetails.byInstrumentId(currencyId) }
into {
TradeDetails {
tradeDetailsId = groupId.tradeDetailsId

var tradeDetails:List<TradeDetails> = tradeConsolidator.consolidate(runtimeTrades)

Read Output Table Consolidator

This type of Consolidator can read any type of input, but the output must be a table.

For example, the Consolidator could read the output from a trade table (a new trade), and compare this to an order in the order table. It can then calculate the effect of the change in terms of how much of the order is outstanding and fulfilled.

The consolidation process for this is:

Trade List (Runtime) + TradeDetails(DB) TradeDetails List (Runtime)


Here is a simple example read-output-table Consolidator that handles this use case:

val runtimeTrades:List<Trade> = createTrades()

val db by lazy { asyncEntityDb }
val dbTradeDetails:List<TradeDetails> = createDbTradeDetails()

val tradeConsolidator by lazy {
db.simulatingConsolidator<TRADE, TRADE_DETAILS> {
select {
sum { price * quantity } into NOTIONAL
sum { quantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY

groupBy { TradeDetails.byInstrumentId(instrumentId) } into {
TradeDetails {
tradeDetailsId = groupId.tradeDetailsId

var tradeDetails:List<TradeDetails> = consolidator.whatIf(runtimeTrades)

Configuration options

The configuration options below generally apply to both consolidator services and on-demand consolidators. Any differences between both consolidator types will be highlighted.


consolidator defines a new consolidator. It takes a name (optional), an input entity (table or view) and an output table.

name is optional. Left unspecified, it is defaulted to $inputName_TO_$outputName_CONSOLIDATOR, where $inputName is the input table/view name and $outputName is the output table name.

In the example below:

  • The first consolidator is called TRADE_TO_POSITION_CONSOLIDATOR as the name has not been specified.
  • The second consolidator is called POSITION_CONSOLIDATOR as the name has been specified.
consolidators {
consolidator(TRADE, POSITION) {
// Rest of consolidator definition
// Rest of consolidator definition


The config block is available at both the file and Consolidator level with exactly the same properties. File-level configuration will overwrite default properties, and Consolidator properties will overwrite both.

See sample configuration below with the default values.

consolidators {
config {
logLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG,
onNotFound = OnNotFound.BUILD
batchingPeriod = 500
ignoreIndexScan = false
defaultErrorHandling = ErrorHandling.FAIL
backPressure = 100
logFunctions = false
transactionType = ConsolidationTransactionType.DEFAULT
groupName = "DEFAULT"
tableTransient = false
backwardsJoin = true
config {
// Consolidator Config can also be overriden here.
// Rest of consolidator definition
PropertyDescriptionSupports ValuesDefault Value
logLevelthe default log level used when logging inside the ConsolidatorTRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERRORDEBUG
onNotFounddetermines what to do if an output record is not found (see build)BUILD, WARN, LOG, FAILBUILD
batchingPeriodthe time in ms accumulating updates before writing to the databaseInteger values500
ignoreIndexScandisables index scans (see indexScan)true, falsefalse
defaultErrorHandlingwhat to do if an exception is thrown during any calculationLOG, WARN (produces a warning log), FAIL (crashes the process)FAIL
backPressurenumber of records to be modified per database transaction during a consolidator write operationInteger values100
logFunctionsused to enable/disable logging within consolidator functionstrue, falsefalse
transactionTypedetermines the consolidation approach when writing to database.DEFAULT (currently DATABASE), DATABASE (will use database transactions to handle delta changes), LOCAL (will use in-memory copies of consolidated records to apply changes)DEFAULT
groupNameused to group multiple consolidations targetting the same output table to avoid potential aggregation race conditions (see more info below)Free text.No grouping by default
tableTransientMarks the output table as transient. This means the table will be cleared on consolidator --coldStart and all records can be recalculated without any other implications.true, falsefalse
backwardsJoinenables backward join support for input views (see backwardsJoin)true, falsetrue


Consolidator groups are essential if you are using a non-transactional database.

groupName identifies a group of Consolidators.

groupName = "_name_"

If you include this statement in your consolidator block, then the Consolidator will belong to the named group.

In a non-transactional database, a group is designed to offer consistent consolidation in the absence of ACID guarantees at the database level. Consolidators in the same group will not interfere with each other's calculations as they update - particularly where they output to the same table.


This is limited to Consolidator updates within a group in a single process. Updates in other groups, other processes or other nodes could still interfere. You must plan this carefully.

Below is an example where we have declared two consolidator blocks. Each has groupName = "ORDER", so they are in the same group. The two consolidator blocks handle different types of order - but they are aggregated into the same three output tables: TOTAL_NOTIONAL, TOTAL_QUANTITY and TRADE_COUNT.

    consolidator(SWAP_ORDERS, ORDER_SUMMARY) {
config {
groupName = "ORDER"

select {
sum { totalNotional } into TOTAL_NOTIONAL
sum { totalQuantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY
sum { tradeCount } into TRADE_COUNT

groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}-${orderDate.monthOfYear}") }
consolidator(FX_ORDERS, ORDER_SUMMARY) {
config {
groupName = "ORDER"

select {
sum { totalNotional } into TOTAL_NOTIONAL
sum { totalQuantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY
sum { tradeCount } into TRADE_COUNT

groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}-${orderDate.monthOfYear}") }


In the select block, you can specify functions based on the entity input values, and a target field in the output table. The example below show how it is possible to aggregate all the quantity fields for then input TRADE table into the POSITION table:

select {
// add the output table here for a more concise syntax
sum { quantity } into QUANTITY

Or a less concise syntax using output table references:

select {
sum { quantity } into Position::quantity


Functions are the building blocks of the select block.

The syntax for an input to a GPAL function is best described with an example. In the case of summing all values, the function to use would be sum. A sample syntax could be sum { feeAmount }, where sum is the function and feeAmount is the input value provided by the input record currently being consolidated. Within the curly brackets of the function, you can access all the fields on a row, and you can use any Kotlin operation on the row. The function will be applied over the result, unless the result is null, in which case it will be ignored.

With one exception, all functions require input. The exception is count, which can either have an input or no input.

FunctionDescriptionInputOutputIndex Scan
sumsums values in the value fieldany numbersame as inputnever
countcounts all records-INTEGERnever
counts records that have a valueanythingINTEGERnever
countDistinctcounts distinct value valuesanythingINTEGERalways
countBigcounts all records-LONGnever
counts records that have a valueany valueLONGnever
avgaverage valueany numberDOUBLEalways
avgBigaverage valueany numberBIG_DECIMALalways
minminimum valueany numbersame as inputsometimes *
maxmaximum valueany numbersame as inputsometimes *
stdevstandard deviation for valueany numberDOUBLEalways
stdevppopulation standard deviation for valueany numberDOUBLEalways
variancestatistical variance for valueany numberDOUBLEalways
varianceppopulation statistical variance for valueany numberDOUBLEalways
stringAggstring concatenationany stringSTRINGsometimes +
checksumcalculates a hash over the inputany valueLONGalways
firstgets first value from input table/view and sets in output table recordany valueany valuesometimes +
lastgets last value from input table/view and sets in output table recordany valueany valuesometimes +

* if previous min or max value is removed
+ if previous any value is changed

Here are some simple examples of functions:

sum { quantity }                   // sums the QUANTITY
sum { quantity * 1000 } // sums the total of QUANTITY multiplied by 1000
sum { quantity ?: otherQuantity } // sum FEE_AMOUNT or OTHER_AMOUNT if FEE_AMOUNT is null
count () // counts the number of records
count { fractionalQuantity } // counts the records with a FRACTIONAL_QUANTITY field
// etc.

Functions can sometimes trigger an index scan. This is when a Consolidator needs to re-read previously consolidated rows in order to calculate the correct value.

  • For some functions, this is never required: for example, sum and count.
  • For some functions, it is required sometimes: for example, min and max.
  • For some functions, it is always required: for example, stDev.

Function definitions can also be assigned to variables and assigned to multiple outputs, for example:

val feeSum = sum { feeAmount }
feeSum into TOTAL_FEES
feeSum onlyIf { feeGroup == FeeGroup.COMMISSION } into TOTAL_COMMISSION

Custom functions

Consolidators also support custom functions that allow you to specify behaviour for join, leave and noop operations based on the consolidation group.

There are two parts to defining a custom function:

  • Select an input with using or usingRow
  • Define the consolidation with withOperations or withAggregation

After the custom function has been defined, it supports the same type of transformation functions as the pre-defined functions, including into, pivotBy, etc.

using and usingRow
  • using takes an input from a row, like any other function. The return type determines the type of the function.
  • usingRow takes the whole row as input. The type of function must be specified.

In the example below, the sum function is defined as a custom function. It uses using as custom function, quantity as the input, and applies three operations:

select {
// The custom function below is equivalent to: sum { quantity } into QUANTITY
using { quantity } withOperations {
onJoin { previousValue + input }
onLeave { previousValue - input }
onNoop { previousValue + newInput - oldInput }
// Rest of consolidator definition

The function in the example above can also be implemented with usingRow, as shown below:

select {
// The custom function below is equivalent to: sum { quantity } into QUANTITY
usingRow(INT) withOperations {
onJoin { previousValue + input.quantity.orZero() }
onLeave { previousValue - input.quantity.orZero() }
onNoop { previousValue + newInput.quantity.orZero() - oldInput.quantity.orZero() }
// Rest of consolidator definition

This shows the benefit of using, as it handles null values. The orZero() call takes any nullable number and returns the value, or 0 if it is null.

withOperations and withAggregation

The withOperations block enables you to specify the behaviour of the different consolidation operations based on grouping logic

In the previous example:

  • a join is when a row is added to the consolidation group
  • a leave is when a record leaves the consolidation group
  • a noop is when a record is modified while staying in the same consolidation group: for example, if a price or a fee is changed

Each operation has access to the operation context as follows:

  • onJoin
    1. previousValue
    2. input
  • onLeave
    1. previousValue
    2. input
  • onNoop
    1. previousValue
    2. newInput
    3. oldInput

withAggregation gives the user access to the list of records to be aggregated in this batch. You can use this function for a number of requirements:

  • where the function needs to consider all values, rather than just one at time
  • where you require a different function outcome, other than update value
  • where no update at all is required
  • where the group id should be reconsolidated

For this function:

  • The input variable holds a List of aggregation events.
  • The previousValue holds the previous value.
  • the sum function uses withAggregation

input contains only Join, Leave and Noop values. (You can see how these are accessed in the example below.)

The example below uses the Kotlin function fold to calculate the value acc, which is the aggregated value for a group, such as total fees.

The function ends with an asUpdate() call. This effectively says, use the value you now have.

Once more, see example below equivalent to the sum function using withAggregation:

select {
// The custom function below is equivalent to: sum { quantity } into QUANTITY
using { quantity } withAggregation {
input.fold(previousValue) { acc, value ->
when (value) {
is Join -> acc + value.value
is Leave -> acc - value.value
is Noop -> acc + - value.old
// Rest of consolidator definition

withAggregation does not have to end with an asUpdate() call. Two other return values are also available:

  • Noop causes the function to ignore the input for this particular field, and there is no change written to the database. For example, this is used during an iterative comparison to find a maximum value. The function compares the next value with the previous; if it is not higher, then return Noop.
  • IndexScan causes the function to re-evaluate every database value for that key. For example, if the record with the maximum value has been deleted from the database, go to the database and find the new maximum value.

Transformations functions

The Consolidator also supports higher-level functions; this is where you can apply a transformation on the function, before it is assigned.


Where this is present, the function only applies to rows that meet the condition specified, for example:

sum { quantity } onlyIf { direction == Direction.BUY } into TOTAL_BUY_QUANTITY

Some functions support an initial value. Within this context, you can access the first input row, as well as the output object, for example:

sum { -feeAmount } withInitialValue { output.expectedFees } into OUTSTANDING_FEES

This function can direct a function result across different columns, and change the into keyword. Within the into tag, the pivot property will contain the value of the value returned in the pivotBy { ... } tag.

sum { quantity } pivotBy { direction } into {
when (pivot) {

The values within this when statement must be exhaustive. If this is not ideal then we would recommend using onlyIf.


This block is optional. In the onCommit block, you can amend the output row, after all the functions have been applied, but before it is written to the database. In the onCommit block, you have access to both the input and the output objects. The input property can be any one of the input rows picked up during the consolidation, so this should be handled with care.

This block can be useful to do further calculations based on the consolidated values, for example:

onCommit {
val accruedInterest = if (input.isDirtyPrice) input.accruedInterest else 0.0
val netAmount = input.notional + accruedInterest
output.netAmount = when (input.side) {
Side.BUY -> netAmount + output.totalTransactionCosts
Side.SELL -> netAmount - output.totalTransactionCosts

groupBy - into overview

groupBy allows us to define the relevant consolidations group to aggregate our input table into our output table.

For example, one common use case would be to aggregate all Trade entities based on their INSTRUMENT_ID and COUNTERPARTY_ID values into the Position table. This would reveal how much an instrument has been traded for each specific counterparty in the database.

The syntax of groupBy can be significantly different between service Consolidators and on-demand Consolidators. For service Consolidators, table syntax can add complexity, as records might need to be loaded, created or re-scanned (see indexScan)

In service consolidators the groupBy-into syntax determines:

  • how records are grouped groupBy { ... }
  • how the Consolidator interacts with the database into { ... }
  • how output records are loaded from the database into { lookup { ... } }
  • how output records are built when no record is found in the database into { build { ... } }
  • how to look up records after an index scan into { indexScan { ... } }


groupBy { /* return group id*/ } into {
lookup { /* return unique index on output table */ }
build { /* return new output record */ }
indexScan { /* return index on input table */ }

For example:

select {
sum { price * quantity } into NOTIONAL
sum { quantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY

groupBy { Position.byInstrumentId(instrumentId) } into {
lookup { Position.byInstrumentId(groupId.instrumentId) }
build {
Position {
instrumentId = groupId.instrumentId
indexScan { Trade.byInstrumentId(groupId.instrumentId) }

In on-demand consolidators the groupBy-into syntax determines:

  • how records are grouped groupBy { ... }
  • how output records are constructed into { ... }


groupBy { /* return group id*/ } into { /* return new output record */ }

For example:

    db.simulatingConsolidator<TRADE, POSITION> {
select {
sum { price * quantity } into NOTIONAL
sum { quantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY

groupBy { Position.byInstrumentId(instrumentId) } into {
Position {
instrumentId = groupId.instrumentId


As explained in the previous section, the code you put in your groupBy block determines the groupId. That is important, because the groupId determines the level at which records are aggregated. For example, you can set up the code to group by instrument; in this case, the calculation would then aggregate per instrument.

The result of the groupBy block can be any kotlin type, as long as it can be used to uniquely identify a grouping. That is, as long as the result has a consistent equals method. This includes but is not limited to:

  • single fields from the input table:
groupBy { allocationId }
  • a type safe tuple of input table fields:
groupBy { tuple(allocationId, feeGroup) }
  • a string concatenation of input table fields:
groupBy { group(allocationId, feeGroup) }
  • unique index entries on the output table (table only):
groupBy { CommissionAndFeesSummary.ByAllocationId(allocationId, feeGroup) }

Using tuple and group in groupBy can later be interacted with in sub blocks such as lookup.

groupBy { group(orderDate.year) } into {
lookup { OrderSummary.byGroupId(groupId) }
groupBy { Tuple2(orderDate.year, orderDate.monthOfYear) } into {
lookup { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${groupId.value1}-${groupId.value2}") }

Consolidations support single or multiple groupings. Multiple groupings are useful when aggregating data by different levels: for example, where you want to calculate trade totals per currency as well as by counterparty.

For example, the consolidator below has two groupBy statements to ensure that it consolidates on order year and on order year and month:

select {
sum { totalNotional } into TOTAL_NOTIONAL
sum { totalQuantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY
sum { tradeCount } into TRADE_COUNT

groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}") }
groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}-${orderDate.monthOfYear}") }

The lookup definition can avoided in a table index is used as the groupBy value. This allows the syntax to be shortened into the following format, which is more concise and can be easier to understand:

groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}") }
groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}-${orderDate.monthOfYear}") }


The into statement is different for standard and on-demand Consolidators as explained in the introduction to this section. into in service consolidators may contain the lookup, build and indexScan configurations. into in on-demand consolidations behaves as the build in the service consolidators.


The lookup block is optional when grouping by a unique index on the output table. In all other cases, the lookup should be defined. In this block, you have access to the groupId property, as explained in the groupBy section.


groupBy { tradeId } into {
lookup { Trade.ById(groupId) }


The build block is required to construct a new record in the output table (or simply a new object in on-demand consolidators), if the record in the output table could not be found. This new entity needs all non-nullable properties without a default value to be initialised at this stage.


groupBy { Trade.ById(tradeId) } into {
build {
Trade {
tradeId = groupId.tradeId
feeAmount = input.feeAmount ?: 0

On-demand consolidators need to be able to build output objects on the fly. There is no need to interact with the database at this point, and there is also no need to define a build block.

groupBy { orderId } into {
Order {
orderId = groupId


If any of the functions triggers an index scan, the Consolidator needs to know which records are affected. indexScan will tell the Consolidator how to do that.

For example, if you are aggregating the total quantity value of Trade entities for a specific Order entity, your indexScan definition should be able to lookup all trades for that specific Order. See example below:

groupBy { Order.ById(orderId) } into {
indexScan { Trade.ByOrderId(groupId.orderId) }


The where definition will filter records prior to consolidation. There are two modes for this filter. In the default mode, the consolidation events will be modified, depending on the predicate. In the most simple scenario, any new entities conforming to the predicate will be taken into account for the consolidation. When an entity has been modified, it might be treated as a "join" or "leave" event depending on the predicate result.

In the example below, if a Trade entity quantity value suddenly goes above 1000, it would become eligible for consolidation and would be aggregated. However, if the very same Trade entity is modified to have a quantity value below 1000, it would become ineligible for consolidation and the aggregation will also reflect the change accordingly:

where {
quantity > 1000

Optionally, the where block takes an ignore parameter that will cause it to ignore certain records. Any records matching the qualifications specified will be completely ignored.

where(ignore = true) {
tradeDate < today()


You can set the default logging level for all the Consolidators in your application-consolidator.kts file using a config statement at the beginning. However, within any individual Consolidator, you can also set a logging level that overrides this setting. If a Consolidator is not functioning as expected, raise its logging level to INFO, or even higher. Let's see a very simple example. Here the default logging level has been set to INFO. However, Consolidator B has its own loglevel, DEBUG, which overrides the file-level setting:

consolidators {
config {
logLevel = INFO
consolidator ("A", ...) {
consolidator ("B", ...) {
config {
logLevel = DEBUG

logJoin, logLeave and logNoop

For debugging purposes, the select block also supports logging. By default, the Consolidator logs all events with default level TRACE, but this can be overwritten with custom messages. To do this, use the logJoin, logLeave and logNoop blocks:

select {
// ...
logJoin {"row joined", input) }
logLeave {"row left", input) }
logNoop {"new row: {}, old row: {}", newInput, oldInput) }

Custom Log messages

Genesis provides a class called LOG that can be used to insert custom log messages. This class provides you with 5 methods to be used accordingly: info, warn, error,trade,debug. To use these methods, you need to provide, as an input, a string that will be inserted into the Logs.

Here is an example where you can insert an info message into the log file:"This is an info message")

The LOG instance is a Logger from SLF4J.


In order to see these messages, you must set the logging level accordingly. You can do this using the logLevel command.



Ensure you have enabled metrics in your environment to view them.

The consolidator exposes metrics to measure latency.

A high latency indicates that the consolidator is struggling to keep up.

calculation_latencylatency for performing a calculation
consolidator_input_latencylatency for processing an update
consolidator_output_latencylatency for writing to database

Runtime configuration

To include your *-consolidator.kts file definitions in a runtime process, you will need to ensure the process definition:

  1. Ensure genesis-pal-consolidator is included in module
  2. Ensure global.genesis.pal.consolidator is included in package
  3. Ensure your consolidator.kts file(s) are defined in script
  4. Ensure pal is set in language

If you wish to run a dedicated process for a consolidator, the following gives an example full process definition: If you wish to run a dedicated process for a consolidator, the following gives an example full process definition:

<description>Consolidates trades to calculate positions</description>
<options>-Xmx256m -DRedirectStreamsToLog=true -DXSD_VALIDATE=false -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=" %p"</options>

In a multi-node environment, Consolidator services should be set to primary only; otherwise, the changes will be applied multiple times potentially leading to incorrect data.


In addition to the tags in the example, you can also add an <arguments></arguments> tag. This allows you to define process arguments that should be passed to the process on start-up.

It is helpful for consolidators where you wish your consolidator process to coldStart each time the process restarts

For example:

<description>Consolidates trades to calculate positions</description>
<options>-Xmx256m -DRedirectStreamsToLog=true -DXSD_VALIDATE=false -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=" %p"</options>


A cold start will recalculate the all consolidations from scratch on consolidator restart to ensure all values are correct before starting the real-time event-driven consolidations. To make a cold start, you can run the command:

startProcess GENESIS_CONSOLIDATOR --coldStart

It is important to note that at the beginning of a cold start, all fields affected by the select configuration of the consolidation table are zeroed (or the records will be deleted, if transient) before initiating the re-consolidation of all the records in the database.

See runtime configuration - processes for further details.


If better database response performance is required, you may also consider added a cache to the process. See runtime configuration - process cache for more details.

Testing (legacy)


For the latest information on testing, go to our page on Integration testing.

The Genesis Application Platform provides the AbstractGenesisTestSupport abstract class that enables end-to-end testing of specific areas of your application. In this case, we want to ensure that we have a database, seeded with information, and that our Consolidator configuration is used to create our Consolidator.

First, we need to add the required packages and genesis home. Then we need to set the "IS_SCRIPT" System Definition property to true (this is required as part of the Consolidator initialisation).

class ConsolidatorTest : AbstractGenesisTestSupport<GenesisSet>(
GenesisTestConfig {
genesisHome = "/GenesisHome/"
scriptFileName = "position-consolidator.kts"
initialDataFile = "seed-data.csv"
parser = { it }
}) {

override fun systemDefinition(): Map<String, Any> = mapOf("IS_SCRIPT" to "true")

For more information about AbstractGenesisTestSupport, see the Testing pages.

Once you have set up your configuration, you can start writing tests against our Consolidators.

Writing tests

Let's write some tests for this Consolidator defined below, defined below

consolidators {
config {
tableTransient = true

select {
max { price } into MAX_PRICE
min { price } into MIN_PRICE
sum { price * quantity} into TOTAL_NOTIONAL
sum { quantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY
count() into TRADE_COUNT

groupBy { Order.ById(orderId) } into {
val start = DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0)
build {
val id = groupId.orderId.toInt()
Order {
orderId = groupId.orderId
orderDate = start.plusMonths(id % 12)
filledQuantity = 0
counterpartyId = "1"

onCommit {
output.counterpartyId = "ON_COMMIT_TEST"

Before we write test, add the below method and variable to test class:

private var lastTradeId = 0

private fun trade(
orderId: String = "1",
price: Double,
quantity: Long,
) = ConsolidatorTrade {
this.tradeId = "TR_${lastTradeId++}"
this.orderId = orderId
this.price = price
this.quantity = quantity
Consolidation test
fun `test consolidate only`() = runBlocking {

val trade = trade(price = 10.0, quantity = 100)
val trade2 = trade(price = 12.0, quantity = 100)

await untilAsserted {
runBlocking {
val record = entityDb.get(Order.ById("1"))
assertEquals(22.0*100, record?.totalNotional)
onCommit test
fun `fields modified in onCommit block are written to database`() = runBlocking {
val trade = trade(price = 10.0, quantity = 100)

await untilAsserted {
runBlocking {
val record = entityDb.get(Order.ById("1"))
assertEquals("ON_COMMIT_TEST", record?.counterpartyId)
Nested consolidation test

To test this, add the Consolidator below to the Consolidator definition above:

    consolidator(ORDER, ORDER_SUMMARY) {
select {
sum { totalNotional } into TOTAL_NOTIONAL
sum { totalQuantity } into TOTAL_QUANTITY
sum { tradeCount } into TRADE_COUNT

groupBy { OrderSummary.byGroupId("${orderDate.year}") }

You will see that adding a trade would build ORDER and ORDER_SUMMARY tables.

fun `test nested consolidation`() = runBlocking {
val trade = trade(price = 10.0, quantity = 100)
val trade2 = trade(price = 12.0, quantity = 100)
await untilAsserted {
runBlocking {
val record = entityDb.get(OrderSummary.byGroupId("2022"))
assertEquals(200, record?.totalQuantity)
assertEquals(22.0 * 100, record?.totalNotional!!, 0.01)