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How to

Welcome to our How to... documentation. Here, we provide a set of simple focused items that are going to give you practical information on building Genesis applications.

The How To... pages in this section point you to example applications. You can clone and run these applications, and examine the code (which includes helpful comments). Each How To page links you directly to the related repository. The README file for each example application provides a good description of the purpose of the app and the key components, and how best to navigate and understand it.

Overview of how to guides

Master the basics

These are the things that every application has to have, and basic skills to help developers building applications on the Genesis Application Platform.

Enhance your application

These are common features required in many applications.

Test your application

Learn how to test your application performs as you need it to.

Run the codebases

You can clone an app in the standard way:

  1. Follow the relevant link to the repository in the How To... page, for example Ingesting csv files.

  2. Copy the url for the repository.

  3. Clone the repository to a suitable working directory in your local files. For example:

C:\Users\MarcusAurelius\projects>git clone

Avoid using a network drive or a drive that synchronises with a cloud back-up system (such as OneDrive or Sharepoint). This could result in poor performance.

Once the project is cloned locally, you can run the app using Genesis Start else if you have IntelliJ on your machine, via the Genesis IntelliJ plugin