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OTE app: improving the front end

Now we can tidy up and improve some elements of the GUI to make things look a bit nicer.

The majority of this section is for changes made in the front-end folder, which is found under OTE/client.

Enhancing the Grid layout

In this section you will change the existing 2x2 grid layout to a more sophisticated layout where:

  • orders are displayed at the top of the screen in the Passive Order Book section
  • three sections (Participant Positions, Trades and Open Positions) are displayed beneath the Orders grid

1. Update the template.ts

Go to OTE\client\src\routes\orders\orders.template.ts. Replace the code inside the rapid-layout tags with the code below:

    <rapid-layout-region type="horizontal">
<rapid-layout-item title="Passive Order Book">
<rapid-layout-region type="vertical">
<rapid-layout-item title="Participant Positions">
<rapid-layout-item title="Trades">
<rapid-layout-item title="Open Positions">

With the next set of steps you will be making a change to allow user names to appear in a drop-down list in the GUI.

2. Update the form for creating and editing records

Go to the file OTE\client\src\routes\balances\cash-movements-manager\cash-movement.create.form.schema.ts.

Replace the code below:

"type": "Control",
"label": "Participant Name",
"scope": "#/properties/PARTICIPANT_NAME",
"options": {

... with the following:

"type": "Control",
"label": "Participant Name",
"scope": "#/properties/PARTICIPANT_NAME",
"options": {
"allOptionsResourceName": "ALL_USER_NAMES",
"valueField": "USER_NAME",
"labelField": "USER_NAME"

Repeat the above in the file OTE\client\src\routes\balances\cash-movements-manager\cash-movement.update.form.schema.ts.

Simulating intraday and End Of Day processing

Typically, an application for orders and executed trades has end-of-day processes, such as to expire any outstanding orders.

In a Production application, these processes can be triggered automatically by a CRON_RULE.

In this application, we can simulate automated processes by adding buttons that enable the user to trigger the processes manually. Here, we shall add buttons to trigger three processes:

  • expire orders
  • closing prices
  • variation margin
  1. Go to the file OTE\client\src\routes\processes\process-history-manager\process-history.ts file.
    Add the following import code, which creates a connection to the eventHandler.

Add the following code at the bottom of the list of existing import code:

import { Connect } from "@genesislcap/foundation-comms";
  1. Find the code below:
export class ProcessesProcessHistoryManager extends GenesisElement {
@User user: User;


... and replace it with the following, which will make the button specifically call the right event in the eventHandler:

export class ProcessesProcessHistoryManager extends GenesisElement {
@User user: User;
@Connect connect: Connect;

runExpiryProcess() {
this.connect.commitEvent("EVENT_EXPIRE_ORDERS", {DETAILS:{}})

runClosingPrices() {
this.connect.commitEvent("EVENT_RUN_CLOSING_PRICES", {DETAILS:{}})

runVariationMargin() {
this.connect.commitEvent("EVENT_RUN_VARIATION_MARGIN", {DETAILS:{}})


Your code should now look like this:

import { User } from '@genesislcap/foundation-user';
import { customElement, GenesisElement } from '@genesislcap/web-core';
import { ProcessHistoryStyles as styles } from './process-history.styles';
import { ProcessHistoryTemplate as template } from './process-history.template';
import { Connect } from "@genesislcap/foundation-comms";

name: 'processes-process-history-manager',
export class ProcessesProcessHistoryManager extends GenesisElement {
@User user: User;
@Connect connect: Connect;

runExpiryProcess() {
this.connect.commitEvent("EVENT_EXPIRE_ORDERS", {DETAILS:{}})

runClosingPrices() {
this.connect.commitEvent("EVENT_RUN_CLOSING_PRICES", {DETAILS:{}})

runVariationMargin() {
this.connect.commitEvent("EVENT_RUN_VARIATION_MARGIN", {DETAILS:{}})

  1. Go to the file OTE\client\src\routes\processes\process-history-manager\process-history.template.ts.
    Remove the following two lines:
createEvent="${(x) => getViewUpdateRightComponent(x.user, 'ProcessLogUpdate', 'EVENT_PROCESS_LOG_INSERT')}"
:createFormUiSchema=${() => createFormSchema }
  1. Now you can add the action buttons that enable the user to trigger the processes. Find the line ></entity-management> and replace the line with the below:
<rapid-button slot="crud-top-before" @click=${x => x.runExpiryProcess()}>Run Expiry Process</rapid-button>
<rapid-button slot="crud-top-before" @click=${x => x.runClosingPrices()}>Run Closing Prices</rapid-button>
<rapid-button slot="crud-top-before" @click=${x => x.runVariationMargin()}>Run Variation Margin Calls</rapid-button>

Your code should now look like this:

import { html, whenElse, repeat } from '@genesislcap/web-core';
import { getViewUpdateRightComponent } from '../../../utils';
import type { ProcessesProcessHistoryManager } from './process-history';
import { createFormSchema } from './process-history.create.form.schema';
import { updateFormSchema } from './process-history.update.form.schema';
import { columnDefs } from './process-history.column.defs';

export const ProcessHistoryTemplate = html<ProcessesProcessHistoryManager>`
(x) => getViewUpdateRightComponent(x.user, 'ProcessLogView'),
entityLabel="Process Log"
:columns=${() => columnDefs }
<rapid-button slot="crud-top-before" @click=${x => x.runExpiryProcess()}>Run Expiry Process</rapid-button>
<rapid-button slot="crud-top-before" @click=${x => x.runClosingPrices()}>Run Closing Prices</rapid-button>
<rapid-button slot="crud-top-before" @click=${x => x.runVariationMargin()}>Run Variation Margin Calls</rapid-button>

The buttons now are displayed at the top right of the menu for the component. When the user clicks on a button, it triggers the relevant event.