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10 docs tagged with "API"

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Chart declarative HTML API

The declarative HTML API enables you to create and configure charts directly in HTML using simple, semantic tags. It streamlines the charting process by embedding data and configuration options within HTML elements, avoiding complex JavaScript code.


This section gives details around client to server and server to server communications. This includes message formats and defining message metadata in the Genesis Application Platform, how to set up encrypted process communication, and using the network API.

Environment utilities

The environment utilities enable you to manage and access environment-specific settings and variables. This enables you to configure application behaviour based on the current environment. This category includes utilities for identifying the development environment and securely accessing environment variables.

Layout dynamic JS API

The JavaScript API is accessed through the methods on the root layout object and allows for saving/loading the layout state, and dynamically adding items to the layout at runtime.

Layout management

Rapid layout is a module that enables users to perform actions such as dragging, resizing, and re-ordering windows.