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17 docs tagged with "integration"

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FIX Gateway

This page shows you how to create a Gateway to connect to a remote system using the FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol.

FIX Gateways customisation

While the standard architecture of the FIX gateway is more than sufficient for most use cases, it is not ideal for more demanding architectures.


The FIX Xlator is a plugin for the Streamer and Streamer client, which enables type-safe handling of FIX messages.

Framework integration

Foundation UI is based on web components, so it can work alongside any front-end framework, such as React and Angular.

Notify - Genesis Screen

The Genesis platform provides a mechanism for creating pop-up toast notifications on screen in the app. Any notifications sent to the Genesis Screen Gateway will be sent as a toast pop-up notification.

Notify - Symphony

Symphony is a secure instant messaging service focused on financial companies.

Open API

Open API support was introduced in version 7.0 of the Genesis platform.

Reconciliation - Integrating with Data Pipelines

The RECONCILIATION_MANAGER process is able to integrate directly with the platform's Data Pipelines component, in order to consume data and reconcile data from anywhere, both internal and external to the application.

Streamer APIs

If your application needs to integrate with external systems through any sort of gateway (e.g. FIX), you need to be able to interpret incoming messages in the format of the external system. Equally, you need to be able to reformat information from your Genesis application when you send messages out to that system.