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Version: Current

Quick start - hardware and software

Workstation set-up

Please follow these instructions very carefully to ensure your environment is ready. You must have the recommended versions of the software packages below to ensure that you can set up and run the Genesis platform successfully.

It's not necessary to have admin rights on your workstation to develop with the Genesis platform, but you might have to check with your System Administrator how to install the required third-party software listed here.


  • Operating system : Windows 10 Pro
  • RAM : 32GB minimum
  • CPU : 8 Core
  • SSD : 250GB

Software packages

PackageRecommended Version
IntelliJ2023.2.6 or above
Java SDK or JDK (Choose the x64 installer download)17
NodeJS20 LTS
Genesis Intellij plugin (Depending on your runtime environment)1.0.4
WSL (Depending on your runtime environment)0.1.2
Postman (optional)8

You can use a range of IDEs (for example, Eclipse) with the Genesis low-code platform, but only IntelliJ enables you to make full use of the Genesis Platform Abstraction Language (GPAL) prompts and error checks in Intellisense - a major accelerator of development speed and accuracy. Genesis strongly recommends using IntelliJ.

Check your versions

First, we need you to check:

for IntelliJ users

If you are using IntelliJ, use its embbeded terminal to check for versions after opening your project for the first time; there could be multiple versions of these tools in your system.

  1. Run 'node --version' to make sure you have the correct version of node.
  2. Run 'npm -v' to make sure that you have the correct version of npm.
  3. Run npm info @genesislcap/foundation-ui to check that you have the correct version of our Foundation UI package. If everything is ok, you should see a response like this:
@genesislcap/genx@xx.xx.x| SEE LICENSE IN license.txt | deps: XX | versions: XXX
Genx CLI
  1. Run 'java --version' to make sure you have the correct version of java.

Do you need to set up a proxy?

If you are behind a corporate network, you might need to set up a proxy:

npm config set proxy http://proxy_host:port
npm config set https-proxy https://proxy_host:port

Install the Genx CLI

Install GenX CLI; this is a Genesis tool that enables you to seed projects.

npx -y @genesislcap/genx@latest init myApp
Local issuer certificate errors

These may be caused by running GenX CLI in a proxy network that uses self-signed or missing certificates. --insecure flag can be used to skip SSL certificate verification:

npx @genesislcap/genx@latest --insecure

Gradle set-up

  1. Make sure you have a file inside a .gradle folder in your user directory; this file must contain your unencrypted password:
  1. If you are behind a corporate proxy, make sure you add your proxy settings to the file as well. For example:
#if behind an NTLM authenticated proxy, add the next line:

If you are unsure about what settings to use, please contact your IT support.

You can find more information on setting up proxies in the gradle documentation.

The database

By default, the Genesis platform provides an H2 database for local development. This is ideal for your quick start, because no other configuration is required.

But note that the platform supports other Database Technologies and once you start any serious development you will need to configure one of these (it's not a difficult process).

only for learning purposes

Do not use H2 for serious development or production environments.