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Reconciliation - manual installation


This guide assumes you have not used the GenX add command to add the Reconciliation component.

Only add components manually if your project is on an older framework version that does not support GenX add.

For the UI, add the following to the dependencies section of client/package.json in your project:

"@genesislcap/pbc-reconciliation-ui": "<version>"

Note that each component requires a permission so that the user can view it or perform a specific action; check the permissions available and ensure that your user is permissioned accordingly.

Adding the Reconciliation component to the UI

Set up a route for the component in the file client/src/routes/config.ts. This makes the component visible to your application:

export const main: AppRoute = {
title: 'reconciliation',
path: 'reconciliation',
name: 'reconciliation',
element: async () => (await import('@genesislcap/pbc-reconciliation-ui')).RapidReconciliation,
// @ts-ignore
elementTag: 'rapid-reconciliation',
settings: { autoAuth: true, maxRows: 500 },
navItems: [
navId: 'header',
title: 'Reconciliation',
placementIndex: 35,