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Anchors add different types of links to your page.

Use cases:

  • Creating a hyperlink to a different page
  • Linking to a specific region of the current page
  • An email link which pre-populates the recipient field


External linkInternal linkMail link




name: 'my-element',
template: html`
<rapid-anchor href="">External link</rapid-anchor>
<rapid-anchor href="#api">Internal link</rapid-anchor>
<rapid-anchor href="">Mail link</rapid-anchor>
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement { }



downloadstring | booleanCauses the browser to treat the linked URL as a download. This attributes only works for same-origin URLs, or when using the blob: and data: schemes. Different browsers will behave slightly differently for downloads, such as asking the user where to save the file or automatically saving to a downloads directory.
<rapid-anchor href="files/genesis.pdf" download>
hrefstringThe URL that the hyperlink points to. This is commonly to another page, but it could be to a region of the current page. You can also use schemes such as mailto:, javascript:, tel:, and sms:
<rapid-anchor href="">
hreflangstringA hint to the language of the linked document. Doesn't add any functionality itself.
<rapid-anchor href="" hreflang="en">
pingstringA space separated list of URLs to which to send a PING message. This is commonly used for tracking.
<rapid-anchor ping="">
referrerstringHow much of the referrer to send when the user clicks the link.
<rapid-anchor href="" referrer="no-referrer">
relstringThe relationship of the linked URL to the current page. Examples are the next or previous page, the author's page, or to help documentation.
<rapid-anchor href="" rel="author">
Author's page
target"_blank" | "_self" | "_parent"Where to display the linked URL. Most common use is to set _blank for making the link open in a new tab or window.
<rapid-anchor href="" target="_blank">
typestringA hint to the media type of the linked document. Doesn't add any functionality itself.
<rapid-anchor href="" type="application/pdf">


This component doesn't have any properties which are not also controlled via attributes.


DefaultThis elements which are contained in the anchor region, and will trigger the href when clicked.
startContent which can be provided before the anchor content.
endContent which can be provided after the anchor content.


controlThe anchor element
contentThe element wrapping anchor content

Events fired

This component doesn't emit any events.

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.