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A tooltip enables you to display information about an element when the user places their cursor above it.

Use cases:

  • providing further information about an element when the user hovers the cursor over it


In the example below, if you place your cursor over the Hover me button, a tooltip is displayed.

Hover me

Tooltip text




name: 'my-element',
template: html<MyElement>`
<rapid-button id="anchor">Hover me</rapid-button>
<rapid-tooltip anchor="anchor">
<rapid-avatar shape="circle" fill="green" color="black">JD</rapid-avatar>
<p>Tooltip text</p>
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement { }


API examples are shown with Genesis component syntax; the closing tag is not included.


visiblebooleanWhether the tooltip is visible or not. If this is set to true, then the tooltip is always visible - regardless of where the cursor is. Otherwise, the tooltip is interactive; it will appear only when the user hovers over the anchored element.
<rapid-tooltip visible>
anchorstringThe id of the element the tooltip is anchored to
<rapid-tooltip anchor="button-id">
delaynumberThe delay in milliseconds before a tooltip is shown after a hover event
<rapid-tooltip delay="300">
positionTooltipPositionControls the placement of the tooltip relative to the anchor. When the position is undefined, the tooltip is placed above or below the anchor, based on available space.
<rapid-tooltip position="top">
auto-update-mode"anchor" | "auto"Controls when the tooltip updates its position. 'anchor' only updates when the anchor is resized. 'auto' updates on scroll/resize events. Default: 'anchor'
<rapid-tooltip auto-update-mode="anchor">
horizontal-viewport-lockbooleanControls whether the tooltip always remains fully in the viewport on the horizontal axis. If set to true, the position is adjusted to stay within the bounds of the viewport, detaching from the anchor if necessary. This prevents overflow and clipping.
<rapid-tooltip horizontal-viewport-lock>
vertical-viewport-lockbooleanControls whether the tooltip always remains fully in the viewport on the vertical axis. If set to true, the position is adjusted to stay within the bounds of the viewport, detaching from the anchor if necessary. This prevents overflow and clipping.
<rapid-tooltip vertical-viewport-lock>

TooltipPosition = "top" | "right" | "bottom" | "left" | "start" | "end" | "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right" | "top-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end";


anchorElementHTMLElementThe html element currently being used as an anchor. Manually setting this overrides the anchor attribute
<rapid-tooltip :anchorElement=${(x) => x.tooltipElementRef}>


DefaultThe default slot where the tooltip content is placed.


tooltipThe tooltip element itself.

Events fired

dismissvoidFired when the tooltip is visible and escape key is pressed.
<rapid-tooltip @dismiss=${(x) => x.handleDismiss()}>

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.