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Tree view

A tree view widget presents a hierarchical list. Any item in the hierarchy can have child items, and items that have children can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the children.

Use cases:

  • creating a file system navigator that uses a tree view to display folders and files. An item representing a folder can be expanded to reveal the contents of the folder, which may be files, folders, or both
  • creating a hierarchical diagram of profiles


The example shows the component in action. Item 1 and Item 2 both have two children, which you can click to view. Item 3 has no children.

RootItem 1Sub-item 1-1Sub-item 1-2Item 2Sub-item 2-1Sub-item 2-2Item 3




name: 'my-element',
template: html<MyElement>`
Item 1
<rapid-tree-item>Sub-item 1-1</rapid-tree-item>
<rapid-tree-item>Sub-item 1-2</rapid-tree-item>
Item 2
<rapid-tree-item>Sub-item 2-1</rapid-tree-item>
<rapid-tree-item>Sub-item 2-2</rapid-tree-item>
<rapid-tree-item>Item 3</rapid-tree-item>
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement { }

Tree View API

API examples shown with Genesis component syntax, and closing tag omitted.


render-collapsed-nodesbooleanIf set true the tree view will appear expanded as if by being expanded by the user
<rapid-tree-view ?render-collapsed-nodes=${x => x.showTree}>


currentSelectedHTMLElement | TreeItem | nullThe currently selected tree item. It is likely you'll want to read this value instead of writing to it.
const value = treeRef.currentSelected;


DefaultThe default slot for content or (<rapid-tree-item>)


This component doesn't have any parts.

Events fired

This component doesn't fire any events.

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.

Tree item API

API examples shown with Genesis component syntax, and closing tag omitted.


expandedbooleanWhen true, the control will appear expanded by user interaction. Emits expanded-change event when changed. Note: is not set when the user interacts with the item, so only use this attribute to pre-expand the item open rather than read the state.
<rapid-tab expanded>
selectedbooleanWhen true, the control will appear selected by user interaction. Emits selected-change event when changed. Note: is not set when the user interacts with the item, so only use this attribute to pre-select the item open rather than read the state.
<rapid-tab selected>
disabledbooleanWhen true, the control will be immutable by user interaction.
<rapid-tab disabled>


This component doesn't have any properties that are not also controlled via attributes.


DefaultThe default slot for tree item text content
startContent which can be provided before the tree item content
endContent which can be provided after the tree item content
itemThe slot for tree items (<rapid-tree-item> manage this assignment themselves)
expand-collapse-buttonThe expand/collapse button


positioning-regionThe element used to position the tree item content with exception of any child nodes
content-regionThe element containing the expand/collapse, start, and end slots
itemsThe element wrapping any child items
expand-collapse-buttonThe expand/collapse button

Events fired

expanded-changebooleanEmitted when the expanded attribute is changed
<rapid-tree-item @expanded-change="${(x) => x.myChangeHandler()}">
selected-changebooleanEmitted when the selected attribute is changed
<rapid-tree-item @selected-change="${(x) => x.myChangeHandler()}">

Events listened to

This component doesn't listen to any events.