Custom endpoints
The resources you create via the Request Server, Data Server and Event Handler are exposed to the front end as a series of REST endpoints. You can also create custom endpoints.
Example uses for these custom endpoints include:
- file upload and download
- integration with external systems
Custom endpoints are exposed as HTTP endpoints and are not available with Websockets.
Custom endpoints are defined in the *-web-handler.kts
Once a web-handler.kts is available within your product/script directory, it is immediately available as an endpoint in the router.
Example configuration
The following shows example web endpoint configurations.
import java.nio.file.Files
webHandlers {
val instrumentClient = injector<InstrumentClient>()
val tradeInformationClient = injector<TradeInformationClient>()
endpoint(GET, "instruments") {
handleRequest {
val instruments = instrumentClient.getInstruments()
LOG.debug("Retrieved instruments: {}", instruments)
endpoint<Unit, TradeInformation>(GET, "trades") {
permissioning {
responseAuth("INSTRUMENTS") {
authKey { data.instrument }
val tradeId: String by queryParameter("trade-id")
handleRequest {
val tradeInformation = tradeInformationClient.getTradeInformation(tradeId)
LOG.debug("Retrieved trade information: {}", tradeInformation)
endpoint<Trade, CreateTradeResponse>(POST, "trades") {
permissioning {
requestAuth("INSTRUMENTS") {
authKey { data.instrumentId }
handleRequest {
val trade: Trade = body
val tradeInformation = TradeInformation(trade)
val createTradeResponse = tradeInformationClient.createTrade(tradeInformation)
LOG.debug("Create trade response: {}", createTradeResponse)
val tmp = Files.createTempDirectory("test")
multipartEndpoint("test") {
handleRequest {
body.fileUploads.forEach {
GET instruments
GET endpoint with path instruments
Using InstrumentClient
class which encapsulates the integration with an external service.
On handling a request, uses InstrumentClient
to get some data which is returned on the endpoint's response.
GET trades
GET endpoint with path trades
and query parameter trade-id
Using TradeInformationClient
class which encapsulates the integration with an external service.
Includes authorisation so only users with access to the instrument (instrument
field on TradeInformation
) will see the data.
On handling a request, uses TradeInformationClient
to get data about a specific trade using the trade id from the query parameter.
The trade is then returned on the endpoint's response.
POST trades
POST endpoint with path trades
and request body of Trade
Using TradeInformationClient
class which encapsulates the integration with an external service.
Includes authorisation so only users with access to the instrument (instrumentId
field on Trade
) can create a trade associated with that instrument.
On handling a request, converts the Trade object to a TradeInformation object and uses the TradeInformationClient
to send the data
to the external service. The external service's response is returned directly on the endpoint's response also.
Upload file
Creates a temporary directory to write the uploaded file to.
On handling a request, reads all file uploads from the request body and writes them to the temporary directory.
Configuration options
The endpoint by default will take its root from the file name. For example, if the file is called trade-web-handler.kts, all endpoints are prefixed with trade.
Overriding the base path
You can specify a basePath
in the webHandlers
webHandlers("my-base-path") {
endpoint(GET, "all-trades") {
handleRequest {
In the example above, the path would be:
- my-base-path/all-trades
You can add extra path segments using the grouping
function in this way:
webHandlers("BASE-PATH") {
grouping("trade") {
endpoint(GET, "all-trades") {
handleRequest {
endpoint(GET, "big-trades") {
handleRequest {
.filter { it.quantity > 1_000 }
In the example above, the paths would be:
- tables/trade/all-trades
- tables/trade/big-trades
Creating an individual endpoint.
This takes 2 parameters, firstly the type of HTTP request, secondly the unique name of the endpoint.
Valid HTTP request types are:
endpoint(GET, "test") {
Request parameters
In addition to the body, endpoints can also take request parameters. These are defined in the endpoint
block, and are available in the handleRequest
The framework supports the following parameter types:
- query parameter
- path parameter
- header parameter
These can be optional or required. If a required parameter is missing, it will not be matched. If no matching endpoint is found, a 404 Not Found
will be returned.
Use the by
syntax to define parameters. Note that these variables are only available within the handleRequest
block. If they are accessed outside this block, an exception will be thrown.
Query parameters
Here is a simple example of how to define a query parameter:
endpoint(GET, "test") {
val name by queryParameter("name")
handleRequest {
"Hello $name"
Here is an example of how to define an optional query parameter. Optional parameters are always nullable.
endpoint(GET, "test") {
val name by optionalQueryParameter("name")
handleRequest {
"Hello ${name ?: "Anonymous"}"
Path parameters
Path parameters are always required. Here is an example of how to define one:
endpoint(GET, "test/{name}") {
val name by pathParameter("name")
handleRequest {
"Hello $name"
Header parameters
Here is an example of how to define a header parameter:
endpoint(GET, "test") {
val name by header("name")
handleRequest {
"Hello $name"
Here is an example of how to define an optional header parameter. Optional parameters are always nullable.
endpoint(GET, "test") {
val name by optionalHeader("name")
handleRequest {
"Hello $name"
Required values
Headers can also have a set of required values. If the header is present, but the value does not match, then the endpoint will not be matched. Note that the required values are published as part of the OpenAPI specification, unless they are declared a secret.
The below endpoint will only match if the Test-Header
header is present with its value set to test
endpoint(GET, "test") {
header("Test-Header", "test")
handleRequest {
"Hello World"
Secret values
Here is an example of how to define a secret header:
endpoint(GET, "test") {
headerSecret("secret-header", "secret-value")
handleRequest {
Override status code
By default, all endpoints return a 200 OK
status code. You can override the default response status by setting the status explicitly:
webHandlers {
endpoint<Trade, Trade>(POST, "insert-trade", status = HttpStatusCode.Created) {
handleRequest {
To support file uploads, use the multipartEndpoint function. This function parses the request body as a multipart request and makes the files available in the fileUploads property of the handleRequest block.
val tmp = Files.createTempDirectory("test")
multipartEndpoint("test") {
handleRequest {
body.fileUploads.forEach {
The config
function can be used to configure endpoints, which are supported on different levels:
calls in nested blocks override those in parent blocks.
This is an example of a config
config {
requiresAuth = false
maxRecords = 10_000
logLevel = DEBUG
json {
prettyPrint = true
propertyCase = PropertyCase.CAMEL_CASE
multiPart {
maxFileSize = 10_000_000
useDisk = true
baseDir = "runtime/router/fileuploadtemp"
minSize = 100_000
Available config options
is available within the webHandler
block, the grouping
block, the endpoint
block, and the
Syntax | Description |
requiresAuth | Defines that the endpoint requires authentication |
maxRecord | Defines the maximum number of records returned |
logLevel | Defines the log level |
json { ... } | Defines the JSON configuration |
multiPart { ... } | Defines the multipart configuration |
register(requestParsers) | Registers request parsers |
register(responseComposers) | Registers response composers |
parseRequest<INPUT, TYPE> { ... } | Defines a request parser from INPUT to TYPE |
parseRequest<INPUT, TYPE>(contentType) { ... } | Defines a request parser for a specific content type |
composeResponse<TYPE, OUTPUT> { ... } | Defines a response composer for TYPE to OUTPUT |
composeResponse<TYPE, OUTPUT>(contentType) { ... } | Defines a response composer for TYPE to OUTPUT for a specific content type |
Syntax | Description |
prettyPrint | Defines that JSON should be pretty printed |
propertyCase | Defines the case of JSON properties, either camel case, or snake case |
Syntax | Description |
maxFileSize | Defines the maximum file size |
useDisk | Defines that files should be written to disk |
baseDir | Defines the base directory for files written to disk |
minSize | Defines the minimum size for files written to disk |
When parsing a request, the input type tells the endpoint how to handle the initial parsing of the request. For example, if you want to handle the input as a String
, you can do this:
endpoint<Trade, Trade>(PUT, "trades") {
config {
parseRequest<String, Trade> {
Trade {
tradeId = input
tradeType = "SWAP"
currencyId = "USD"
tradeDate =
handleRequest {
Here, the input type is String
, and the output type is Trade
. The parseRequest
block takes a lambda that takes the input type, and returns the output type. The output type is then passed to the handleRequest
block as the body
When composing a response, the output type tells the endpoint how to handle the final part of the response; this can be any type that the endpoint supports. For example, if you want to produce an endpoint to produce a custom xml, you could do this:
endpoint<String, String>(GET, "trades") {
config {
composeResponse<Trade, String>(ContentType.APPLICATION_XML) {
handleRequest {
By default, the handleRequest
function infers the output of the endpoint from the return value of the block. So, if you are only producing output and not receiving any input, you do not need type parameters. The output value is returned as JSON, using the standard serialisation mechanism.
This is sufficient for most cases, but you can customise the output.
Content type
If you want to override the default behaviour and specify an output type, use the call produces
with a content type. The following content types are supported out of the box:
Content type | Name in code | Data |
application/json | ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON | JSON |
application/octet-stream | ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM | Binary |
text/csv | ContentType.TEXT_CSV | CSV |
text/yaml | ContentType.TEXT_YAML | YAML |
text/xml | ContentType.TEXT_XML | XML |
You can set multiple content types in the produces
call; the client can specify which one is returned by setting the Accept
header. If no Accept
header is specified, then the first content type will be returned.
webHandlers {
endpoint(GET, "all-trades") {
handleRequest {
endpoint(GET, "all-trades-multi") {
produces(ContentType.TEXT_CSV, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)
handleRequest {
Return types
By default, the returned value is serialised using the default serialiser. However, this is overruled if the return type specified is in the table below.
If you specify a return type, the value returned and the behaviour will be as per the table below, regardless of the Accept
However, if the produces
function is used, then the Accept
header will always be respected.
Return type | Behaviour | Default Content-Type |
Unit | No response is returned | n/a |
String | The string is returned as the response | n/a |
ByteArray | The byte array is returned as the response | n/a |
File , Path | The file is streamed as the response | application/octet-stream |
InputStream | The input stream is streamed as the response | application/octet-stream |
Endpoints can also receive input. For this, the http request must include a body. The body can be parsed and will be available in the body
property of the handleRequest
block. When endpoints receive input, you must provide type parameters for both the request body and the response type:
webHandlers {
endpoint<Trade, Trade>(POST, "insert-trade") {
handleRequest {
Content type
As with producing output, you can specify the content type of the request body using the accepts
function. An endpoint is able to accept multiple content types. If no content type is specified, then the endpoint defaults to accept application/json
These content types are supported out of the box:
Content type | Name in code | Data |
application/json | ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON | JSON |
text/csv | ContentType.TEXT_CSV | CSV |
text/yaml | ContentType.TEXT_YAML | YAML |
text/xml | ContentType.TEXT_XML | XML |
webHandlers {
endpoint<Trade, Trade>(POST, "insert-trade") {
accepts(ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON, ContentType.TEXT_XML)
handleRequest {
Within the context of handleRequest
, the following properties are in scope:
Property | Description | Available |
db | The database instance | Always |
body | The body of the request | Always |
userName | The user name of the user making the request | When logged in |
request | The request object | Always |
Any write call to the db
will create audit entries for auditable tables, and will be executed in a transaction, if supported by the database layer.
Additionally, the triggerEvent
function is available to trigger events from the endpoint:
endpoint<Trade, Trade>(POST, "insert-trade") {
handleRequest {
val trade = tradeClient.createTrade(body).data
triggerEvent("NOTIFY_TRADE_CREATED", trade)
Another way to handle different status codes is to handle exceptions. The exceptionHandler
block enables you to catch specific exceptions and provide a response, including a specific status code.
In this example, we return status code 406 Not Acceptable
for IllegalArgumentException
webHandlers {
endpoint<Trade, Trade>(POST, "insert-trade", status = HttpStatusCode.Created) {
handleRequest {
require( >= {
"Trade date cannot be in the past"
exceptionHandler {
exceptionHandler<IllegalArgumentException>(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable) {
exception.message ?: "Error handling trade"
The permissioning
block is used to implement access control measures on the data being returned to a user.
takes a list of permission codes. The client user accessing the query must have access to at least one of the permission codes in the list to be able to access any query data.
permissioning {
permissionCodes = listOf("TradeView", "TradeUpdate")
The customPermissions
block takes boolean logic. If this function returns true, the user will be able to access the resource; otherwise, the request will be rejected.
It is useful, for example, in the case you have an external API to check against. In this example an entitlementUtils
object wraps an external API we can call to check the user's username has access.
customPermissions {
The customPermissions
block also has access to db
so that you can query any data in the database. You can add complex logic in here as needed, and have access to the full inbound message.
customPermissions {
val userAttributes = db.get(UserAttributes.byUserName(userName))
userAttributes?.accessType == AccessType.ALL
Where utilizing customPermissions
you should also consider configuring a customLoginAck
so that the front end of the application can also permission its components in a similar way.
provides entity-level authorisation on the request input similar to Event Handlers. In the below example, the user will only be able to use the endpoint if they have an auth entry for the instrumentId
of the Trade in the request body.
permissioning {
requestAuth(mapName = "ENTITY_VISIBILITY") {
authKey { data.instrumentId }
Full example:
endpoint<Trade, Trade>(POST, "trades") {
permissioning {
requestAuth(mapName = "ENTITY_VISIBILITY") {
authKey { data.instrument }
handleRequest {
provides entity-level filtering on the response similar to Request Servers. In the below example, the user will only see Trades where the user has an auth entry for the instrumentId
of the Trade.
permissioning {
requestAuth(mapName = "ENTITY_VISIBILITY") {
authKey { data.instrumentId }
Full example:
endpoint(GET, "trades") {
permissioning {
responseAuth(mapName = "ENTITY_VISIBILITY", flow<Trade>()) {
authKey { data.instrumentId }
handleRequest {
is a helpful function which can be called within the auth block, or anywhere else in client facing server components which have a user accessing them, to determine if a user has a given right.
if (!userHasRight(userName, "TradeViewFull")) { ... }
Http status codes
By default, all endpoints return a 200 OK
status code.
You can override the http status code for an endpoint.
Use the HttpResponseCode
annotation to set the status code for a specific class. This can be especially useful with Kotlin sealed classes, where different subclasses return different status codes.
In the example below, if our endpoint returns SealedResponse
, we will return a 200 OK
status code for AllGood
, and a 404 Not Found
status code for Missing
sealed class SealedResponse {
data class AllGood(val motivation: String) : SealedResponse()
data class Missing(val sadMessage: String) : SealedResponse()
Genesis provides a class called LOG
that can be used to insert custom log messages. This class provides you with
5 methods to be used accordingly: info
, warn
, error
. To use these methods, you need to provide, as an input,
a string that will be inserted into the Logs.
Here is an example where you can insert an info message into the log file:"This is an info message")
instance is a Logger from SLF4J.
In order to see these messages, you must set the logging level accordingly. You can do this using the logLevel command.
Client API
To use the API, clients must first authenticate to obtain a SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN
This API is also accessible via Open API.
The example below shows an HTTP request to a custom endpoint and the returned HTTP response underneath.
GET /trade-service/trades?trade-id=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:9064
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
content-length: 556
connection: keep-alive
"TRADE_ID" : 1
"TRADE_PRICE" : 224.34
"QUANTITY" : 1000
"DATE" : 1730678400000
"NOTIONAL" : 224340
By default, the framework generates a basic OpenAPI specification for all endpoints. This includes the path, and the schemas of the request and response type (if supported). To enable this, use the openapi
block to provide additional information, such as descriptions and examples.
We can provide the following information:
Description and summary
We can provide a description and summary for our endpoint:
endpoint(GET, "test") {
openapi {
description = "A test endpoint"
summary = "This endpoint is available for testing..."
// removed for brevity
A schema for the response type used in the endpoint is generated automatically. This schema includes support for sealed types. However, the schema can be customised if needed. You can also provide:
- examples
- descriptions
- additional responses
Here is an example:
endpoint<TestData>(GET, "test") {
openapi {
response {
description = "A test response"
example(TestData("Hello World", 1))
response(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable) {
response(HttpStatusCode.NotFound) {
example("Something went missing")
// removed for brevity
The example above defines the standard response of type TestData
. There is also an example and a description. We also define that if the status code is 406 Not Acceptable
, then there will be no body. Further, if the status code is 404 Not Found
, then the body will be a string.
Request body
As with responses, the request body schema is generated automatically. However, this can also be customised.
Similarly, you can provide a description and example. Providing an example for a request body is very useful for testing the endpoint in the OpenAPI UI. The request is ready to go with the example data, which the user can modify to suit their needs.
endpoint<TestData, String>(GET, "test") {
openapi {
requestBody {
description = "A test request"
example(TestData("test", 1))
// removed for brevity
The example above takes TestData
as the request body and returns a String
. It also provides a description
and example for the request body.
By default, the framework describes parameters in the OpenAPI spec. However, you can provide additional information, for example:
endpoint<String>(GET, "users") {
openapi {
parameters {
query("userGroup") {
description = "The user group to filter by"
// removed for brevity
Runtime configuration
GPAL custom endpoints require no configuration beyond the web-handler.kts file. No modifications to the processes.xml file are required. Files will be picked up automatically by the Genesis Router from the /script folders.
Script modules
If your custom endpoint requires additional dependencies, then these can use the ScriptModules
For example, to add a dependency on my-module, add this to the top of your file:
This code tries to find your my-module module and add it to the classpath of the script, including all its dependencies. This has the same effect as adding a <module>
tag to the processes.xml file, but it works on a script level.
Configure Genesis Router
If you are going to use custom endpoints, it is essential that you configure the Genesis Router.
Here is an example configuration:
router {
webPort = 9064
socketPort = 9065
// rest of file cut for brevity
Integration testing
GenesisJunit is only available from version 8 of the Genesis Server Framework (GSF).
If you are testing against a previous version of the framework, go to the legacy section.
This document looks at the basics of testing Web Endpoints.
We shall use a simple example and work through the communication between our tests and the Web Endpoint we are testing. This example relies on GenesisJunit, which is designed to make testing easy.
In this example, we shall test the following Web Endpoint. Note, the web handler scripts must exist in your test Genesis Home folder (e.g. src/test/resources/genesisHome/trade-app/src/main/scripts/trade-web-handler.kts
webHandlers {
val tradeInformationClient = injector<TradeInformationClient>()
endpoint<Unit, TradeInformation>(GET, "trades") {
val tradeId: String by queryParameter("trade-id")
handleRequest {
val tradeInformation = tradeInformationClient.getTradeInformation(tradeId)
LOG.debug("Retrieved trade information: {}", tradeInformation)
With the below as our test client which represents an external service.
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
class TradeInformationClient {
private val trades = mapOf(
"TR1" to TradeInformation(
tradeId = "TR1",
instrument = "VOD",
price = 20.4,
quantity = 100,
side = "BUY",
"TR2" to TradeInformation(
tradeId = "TR2",
instrument = "AAPL",
price = 36.0,
quantity = 200,
side = "BUY",
fun getTradeInformation(tradeId: String) = trades[tradeId]
data class TradeInformation(
val tradeId: String,
val instrument: String,
val price: Double,
val quantity: Int,
val side: String,
There are some simple steps to follow in order to set up your test.
Create the test class
Create the test class using the code provided below:
- Kotlin
- Java
import global.genesis.db.rx.entity.multi.AsyncEntityDb
import global.genesis.gen.dao.UserSession
import global.genesis.testsupport.jupiter.GenesisJunit
import global.genesis.testsupport.jupiter.PackageNameScan
import global.genesis.testsupport.jupiter.TestScriptFile
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith
import javax.inject.Inject
class WebEndpointTest {
private lateinit var db: AsyncEntityDb
// our tests go here ...
import global.genesis.db.rx.entity.multi.RxEntityDb;
import global.genesis.gen.dao.UserSession;
import global.genesis.testsupport.jupiter.GenesisJunit;
import global.genesis.testsupport.jupiter.PackageNameScan;
import global.genesis.testsupport.jupiter.TestScriptFile;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
public class WebEndpointTest {
private RxEntityDb db;
// our tests go here ...
This test class does four things:
- Adds necessary imports.
- It enables GenesisJunit.
- It will read the Router script as identified with the
annotation, causing all web handler scripts to be read. - Scans the
package with thePackageNameScan
annotation to load all relevant Router classes.
There is more information about GenesisJunit
and the various annotations in the section on Integration testing.
A first test
Here is a simple first test. It does the following:
- Inserts a new user session to simulate a logged-in user as our endpoint is authenticated by default.
- Creates an http client to send a request to our endpoint.
- Sends a request to our endpoint with the http client.
- Verifies the response contains the correct trade information.
Note, by default the endpoint includes the product name in the path. In this example our product is named "trade-service".
- Kotlin
- Java
fun testTradeEndpoint() = runBlocking {
userName = "JohnDoe",
sessionId = "1",
sessionAuthToken = "123",
refreshToken = "456",
val httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient()
val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
val response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())
public void testTradeEndpoint() throws Exception {
var userSession = UserSession.builder()
var httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
var request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
var response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
assertEquals("{\"TRADE_ID\":\"TR1\",\"INSTRUMENT\":\"VOD\",\"PRICE\":20.4,\"QUANTITY\":100,\"SIDE\":\"BUY\"}", response.body());
Dynamic authorization
To test dynamic authorization, you need to amend your Web Endpoint definition. Below we are adding authorisation on the endpoint's response.
webHandlers {
val tradeInformationClient = injector<TradeInformationClient>()
endpoint<Unit, TradeInformation>(GET, "trades") {
permissioning {
responseAuth("INSTRUMENTS") {
authKey { data.instrument }
val tradeId: String by queryParameter("trade-id")
handleRequest {
val tradeInformation = tradeInformationClient.getTradeInformation(tradeId)
LOG.debug("Retrieved trade information: {}", tradeInformation)
You then need to create your new test cases.
In the code below, there are two tests, which both check the result of the authorization process:
- In the first test, an auth entry for JohnDoe is added so a trade in the response is expected.
- In the second test, there is no auth entry for JohnDoe so an empty response is expected.
- Kotlin
- Java
class WebEndpointTest {
private lateinit var authCache: InMemoryTestAuthCache
private lateinit var db: AsyncEntityDb
fun testTradeEndpoint() = runBlocking {
authMap = "INSTRUMENTS",
entityCode = "VOD",
userName = "JohnDoe"
userName = "JohnDoe",
sessionId = "1",
sessionAuthToken = "123",
refreshToken = "456",
val httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient()
val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
val response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())
fun testTradeEndpointInvalidAuth() = runBlocking {
userName = "JohnDoe",
sessionId = "1",
sessionAuthToken = "123",
refreshToken = "456",
val httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient()
val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
val response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())
assertEquals("", response.body())
public class WebEndpointTest {
private InMemoryTestAuthCache authCache;
private RxEntityDb db;
public void testTradeEndpoint() throws Exception {
authCache.authorise("INSTRUMENTS", "VOD", "JohnDoe");
var userSession = UserSession.builder()
var httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
var request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
var response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
assertEquals("{\"TRADE_ID\":\"TR1\",\"INSTRUMENT\":\"VOD\",\"PRICE\":20.4,\"QUANTITY\":100,\"SIDE\":\"BUY\"}", response.body());
public void testTradeEndpointInvalidAuth() throws Exception {
var userSession = UserSession.builder()
var httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
var request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
var response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
assertEquals("", response.body());
Integration testing (legacy)
This section covers testing your Web Endpoint if you are using any version of the Genesis Server Framework before GSF v8.
It is good practice to test your Web Endpoints. This is the best way to prevent any unexpected side effects of changes to your application over time.
The Genesis platform provides the AbstractGenesisTestSupport
abstract class that enables end-to-end testing of specific areas of your application. First, we will setup our test class as below.
- Kotlin
- Java
import global.genesis.commons.model.GenesisSet
import global.genesis.gen.dao.UserSession
import global.genesis.testsupport.AbstractGenesisTestSupport
import global.genesis.testsupport.GenesisTestConfig
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class WebEndpointTest : AbstractGenesisTestSupport<GenesisSet>(
GenesisTestConfig {
packageNames = mutableListOf("global.genesis.router")
genesisHome = "/genesisHome"
scriptFileName = "genesis-router.kts"
parser = { it }
) {
// our tests go here ...
import global.genesis.commons.model.GenesisSet;
import global.genesis.gen.dao.UserSession;
import global.genesis.testsupport.AbstractGenesisTestSupport;
import global.genesis.testsupport.GenesisTestConfig;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class WebEndpointTest extends AbstractGenesisTestSupport<GenesisSet> {
public WebEndpointTest() {
.setParser(e -> e)
// our tests go here ...
For more information about AbstractGenesisTestSupport
, see the Testing pages.
Once you have set up your configuration, we can start writing tests against our Web Endpoint.
Tests with dynamic authorization
- In the first test, an auth entry for JohnDoe is added so a trade in the response is expected.
- In the second test, there is no auth entry for JohnDoe so an empty response is expected.
- Kotlin
- Java
class WebEndpointTest : AbstractGenesisTestSupport<GenesisSet>(
GenesisTestConfig {
packageNames = mutableListOf("global.genesis.router")
genesisHome = "/genesisHome"
scriptFileName = "genesis-router.kts"
parser = { it }
) {
fun testTradeEndpoint() = runBlocking {
inMemoryTestAuthCache.authorise("INSTRUMENTS", "VOD", "JohnDoe")
userName = "JohnDoe",
sessionId = "1",
sessionAuthToken = "123",
refreshToken = "456",
val httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient()
val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
val response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())
fun testTradeEndpointNoAuth() = runBlocking {
userName = "JohnDoe",
sessionId = "1",
sessionAuthToken = "123",
refreshToken = "456",
val httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient()
val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
val response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString())
assertEquals("", response.body())
public class WebEndpointTest extends AbstractGenesisTestSupport<GenesisSet> {
public WebEndpointTest() {
.setParser(e -> e)
public void testTradeEndpoint() throws Exception {
getInMemoryTestAuthCache().authorise("INSTRUMENTS", "VOD", "JohnDoe");
var userSession = UserSession.builder()
var httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
var request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
var response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
assertEquals("{\"TRADE_ID\":\"TR1\",\"INSTRUMENT\":\"VOD\",\"PRICE\":20.4,\"QUANTITY\":100,\"SIDE\":\"BUY\"}", response.body());
public void testTradeEndpointInvalidAuth() throws Exception {
var userSession = UserSession.builder()
var httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
var request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(new URI("http://localhost:9064/trade-service/trades?trade-id=TR1"))
.header("USER_NAME", "JohnDoe")
.header("SESSION_AUTH_TOKEN", "123")
var response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
assertEquals("", response.body());