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Database interface - Entity Db

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

The entity db enables you to interact with the database layer; you can use any generated type-safe entities for tables and views. The interface supports the same operations as the generated repositories, but will accept any entity. It supports read operations for views and tables and write operations for tables only.

The entity db differs from the generated repositories in that it can handle any table and most view entities. It differs from RxDb in that all operations are type-safe.

The entity db is available in the kotlin Event Handler. It can be injected in Kotlin using AsyncEntityDb and in Java using RxEntityDb.

Supports tables✔️
Supports views✔️
Supports any data type✔️
Class to importAsyncEntityDb
Type-safe read and write✔️
Type-safe write result✔️
Returns data astable or view entities
Writes data astable or view entities
References indexes asindex entities
Programming interfaceAsync or RxJava
Write (input)Modify Details
Write (output)Write Result
SubscribeRecord Update of entity
Bulk or Range SubscribeBulk of entity
Available in Custom Event Handlers✔️
Available in Custom Request Servers✔️

When referring to indices in the database operations, the database accepts index classes or entity class in combination with index references. For comparison:

Type convention

EA table or view entityTrade
TA table entityTrade
VA view entityTradeView
EntityIndex<E>An index of ETrade.ById
UniqueEntityIndex<E>A unique index of ETrade.ById
NonUniqueEntityIndex<E>A non unique index of ETrade.ByDate
EntityIndexReference<E>An index reference of ETrade.ById
UniqueEntityIndexReference<E>A unique index reference of ETrade.ById
NonUniqueEntityIndexReference<E>A non unique index reference of ETrade.ByDate
F<E>The full table /view name for ETRADE
Class<E>The class reference for ETrade.class
KClass<E>The Kotlin class reference for ETrade::class

Read Operations


Get is a simple lookup on the database; it will return a single entity if a match is found, or no records if none is found.

The following overloads exist for get; fields is a Set<String>.

  • get(E, EntityIndexReference<E>, fields) : E?
  • get(E, fields) : E?
  • get(E, EntityIndexReference<E>) : E?
  • get(UniqueEntityIndex<E>, fields) : E?
  • get(UniqueEntityIndex<E>) : E?


<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

// we can look up trades by passing in a unique index class:
val trade = db.get(Trade.byId("TRADE_1"))

// a trade object with the primary key set
val trade = db.get(trade)

// a trade object and a reference to unique index
val trade = db.get(trade, Trade.ByTypeId)

// or you can access the index class from the entity
val trade = db.get(trade.byTypeId())
// we can look up trades by passing in a unique index class:
final var trade = db.get(Trade.byId("TRADE_1"))

// a trade object with the primary key set
final var trade = db.get(trade)

// a trade object and a reference to unique index
final var trade = db.get(trade,Trade.ByTypeId.Companion)

// or you can access the index class from the entity
final var trade = db.get(trade.byTypeId())


Get all will take multiple unique index class instances and return the type entity type for the record. It takes a List<Pair<String, NonUniqueEntityIndex<E>>>, where the String is a unique reference to each request.


  • getAll(requestDetails: Flow<Pair<String, UI<E>>): Map<String, E?>
  • getAll(requestDetails: List<Pair<String, UI<E>>): Map<String, E?>
val map = db.getAll(listOf("A" to Trade.byId("TRADE_A"), "B" to Trade.byId("TRADE_B")))

val recordA = map["A"]
val recordB = map["B"]


This operation is similar to the one above, but takes a List<NonUniqueEntityIndex<E>>, and will return a List<E?>. The results are returned in the order they were requested and will be null if no record was found. The result list is guaranteed to be the same count as the input.


  • getAllAsList(Flow<UI<E>>): List<E?>
  • getAllAsList(List<UI<E>>): List<E?>
  • getAllAsList(vararg UI<E>): List<E?>
val list = db.getAllAsList(Trade.byId("TRADE_A"), Trade.byId("TRADE_B"))

val recordA = list[0]
val recordB = list[1]


This will create a Flowable of the whole table. If the database layer supports it, these will be sorted in ascending order by the index provided, or by the primary key if none is provided.

Currently, only FoundationDb and Postgres support an ordered getBulk. There is also the getBulkFromEnd function, which will return records in descending order.

There are also a number of continuation operations, which will return the whole table after the provided record. These methods are deprecated and should not be used going forwards.


  • getBulk<E>(): Flow<E> (Kotlin only)
  • getBulk([Class<E> / KClass<E>]): Flow<E>
  • getBulk(UR<E>): Flow<E>
  • getBulk(UR<E>, fields): Flow<E>
  • getBulk(UR<E>, E, fields): Flow<E> (continuation) (Deprecated)
  • getBulkFromEnd(UR<E>): Flow<E>
  • getBulkFromEnd(UR<E>, E), E: Flow<E> (continuation) (Deprecated)
  • getBulkFromEnd(UR<E>, E, fields), E: Flow<E> (continuation) (Deprecated)
  • getBulkFromEnd(UR<E>, fields): Flow<E>


<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

// we can pass in Trade as a type parameter
val flow = db.getBulk<Trade>()
// we can pass in the TRADE object
val flow = db.getBulk(TRADE)
// or we can pass in an index reference
val flow = db.getBulk(Trade.ByTypeId)
// we can pass in Trade as a type parameter
final var flowable = db.getBulk(Trade.class);
// we can pass in the TRADE object
final var flowable = db.getBulk(TRADE.INSTACE);
// or we can pass in an index reference
final var flowable = db.getBulk(Trade.ById.Companion);


Whereas a get operation selects a single entry from a unique index, and a getBulk operation selects the whole table, getRange selects a range within an index. For example, to select all trades by a single currency, there are a number of ways a range can be specified:

  • A non-unique index entry.
  • A range between two index entries.
  • When an index has more than one column, part of the index starting from the first column.

When selecting on part of an index, the number of columns can be specified using the numKeyFields parameter. The fields are always selected in the order they are specified in the index.

There are 15 different get range functions. The records will be returned in ascending order, apart from when using the fromEnd functions, in which case the records will be returned in descending order.

The numKeyFields property specifies the number of fields to use from an index. For example, in the TRADE example, there is the TRADE_BY_TYPE_ID index. If we pass 1 for numKeyFields, the range will return records by TRADE_TYPE, which is the first column in that index.


  • getRange(E, EntityIndexReference<E>, numKeyFields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(E, EntityIndexReference<E>, numKeyFields, fields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(E, E?, EntityIndexReference<E>, numKeyFields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(E, E?, EntityIndexReference<E>, numKeyFields, fields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields, fields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(NonUniqueEntityIndex<E>, NonUniqueEntityIndex<E>): Flow<E>
  • getRange(NonUniqueEntityIndex<E>): Flow<E>
  • getRange(NonUniqueEntityIndex<E>, fields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(EntityIndex<E>, EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields): Flow<E>
  • getRange(EntityIndex<E>, EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields, fields): Flow<E>
  • getRangeFromEnd(E, E, EntityIndexReference<E>, numKeyFields, fields): Flow<E>
  • getRangeFromEnd(E, E, EntityIndexReference<E>, numKeyFields): Flow<E>
  • getRangeFromEnd(EntityIndex<E>, EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields, fields): Flow<E>
  • getRangeFromEnd(EntityIndex<E>, EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields): Flow<E>

<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

// there are multiple ways to get a range of records, either for some fields
// of a unique index or some or all fields of a non unique index:
db.getRange(trade.byTypeId(), 1)
db.getRange(trade, Trade.ByTypeId, 1)

// or by setting a start and an end range:
db.getRange(Trade.byTypeId("tradeType1"), Trade.byTypeId("tradeType2"))
db.getRange(trade1.byTypeId(), trade2.byTypeId(), 1).toList()
db.getRange(trade1, trade2, Trade.ByTypeId, 1).toList()
// there are multiple ways to get a range of records, either for some fields
// of a unique index or some or all fields of a non unique index:

// or by setting a start and an end range:

Write operations

All write operations have versions that take a single entity and versions that take multiple entries.

The return values for these operations are type-safe (see details below), provided all entries are of the same type. For example, when inserting multiple Trade entries, the return type will be List<InsertResult<Trade>>. Different entity types can be inserted in the same operation; however, the return type will be List<InsertResult<Entity>>. Also, modify operations only accept table entities.

Default and generated values

When writing a record to the database, typically all non-null properties should be set on the entity. An entity property becomes non-nullable if:

  • it has a default value
  • it is generated by the database, i.e. sequence or auto increment fields
  • the column is included in an index or is specifically declared not null in the schema

Default values

Properties with a default value will have the value set by default, unless set explicitly in the builder.

Generated properties

Generated properties will be left in an indeterminate state if not set in the builder. When writing to the database, this indeterminate state will be set in the return value. Trying to read the property while it is in this state will result in an IllegalArugmentException. Each generated property will have two read-only associated properties to access these properties in a safe manner. These are an is[FieldName]Generated boolean property and a [fieldName]OrNull property.

For example:

<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

// tradeId is generated
trade.tradeId // will cause an exception if not initialised
trade.tradeIdOrNull // will return the tradeId if set, or else null
trade.isTradeIdInitialised // will return true if set
// tradeId is generated
trade.getTradeId(); // will cause an exception if not initialised
trade.getTradeIdOrNull(); // will return the tradeId if set, or else null
trade.isTradeIdInitialised(); // will return true if set

Columns in indices or are not null explicitly

Columns in indices or declared not null should always be set in a builder, unless it has a default value or is a generated column. In all other instances, a NullPointerException will be thrown when building the object.


This will insert a new record into the database. The insert function takes a single table entity. The insertAll function takes multiple records, and has several overloads:


  • insert(E): InsertResult<E>
  • insertAll(vararg E): List<InsertResult<E>>
  • insertAll(List<E>): List<InsertResult<E>>
  • insertAll(Flow<E>): List<InsertResult<E>>


This will try to modify a record in the database. If the record does not exist, an error will be thrown.


  • modify(EntityModifyDetails<E>): ModifyResult<E>
  • modify(E): ModifyResult<E>
  • modify(E, UniqueEntityIndexReference<E>): ModifyResult<E>
  • modifyAll(vararg E): List<ModifyResult<E>>
  • modifyAll(vararg EntityModifyDetails<E>): List<ModifyResult<E>>
  • modifyAll(List<EntityModifyDetails<E>>): List<ModifyResult<E>>
  • modifyAll(Flow<EntityModifyDetails<E>>): List<ModifyResult<E>>


This will try to modify a record in the database. If the record does not exist, the record will be inserted instead.


  • upsert(EntityModifyDetails<E>): UpsertResult<E>
  • upsert(E): UpsertResult<E>
  • upsertAll(vararg E): List<UpsertResult<E>>
  • upsertAll(vararg EntityModifyDetails<E>): List<UpsertResult<E>>
  • upsertAll(List<EntityModifyDetails<E>>): List<UpsertResult<E>>
  • upsertAll(Flow<EntityModifyDetails<E>>): List<UpsertResult<E>>


This will try to delete a record.


  • delete(E): DeleteResult<E>
  • delete(UniqueEntityIndex<E>): DeleteResult<E>
  • deleteAll(vararg E): List<DeleteResult<E>>
  • deleteAll(vararg UniqueEntityIndex<E>): List<DeleteResult<E>>
  • deleteAll(List<E>): List<DeleteResult<E>>
  • deleteAll(Flow<E>): List<DeleteResult<E>>


The update operation is a condensed syntax for modifying data in the database. It works by providing a scope and a transformation. The scope could be one of:

  • updateBy - a unique index
  • updateRangeBy - an index range
  • updateAll - a whole table

The transformation is a lambda, where the rows that are in scope are provided one by one. The rows are provided as in the database, and can be modified in place, with the changes applied to the database. All update calls will use the safeWriteTransaction and will be transactional if the database supports it.

  • In the async entity db, the lambda will be of type E.() -> Unit. The entity will be the receiver and in the lambda, this will refer to the row, which should be modified in place.

  • In the rx entity db, the lambda will be of type Consumer<E>. The lambda will have a single parameter, the entity. Similar to the async version, the row should be modified in place.

In both cases, the full record will be provided, and values can be read as well as updated. The operations return List<ModifyResult<E>> for updateAll and updateRangeBy methods and ModifyResult<E> for the updateBy operation.

For example:

<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

db.updateBy(Trade.byId("xxxxx")) {
price = 15.0

db.updateByRange(Trade.byOrderId("xxxx")) {
orderStatus = OrderStatus.CANCELLED

db.updateByRange(Trade.byOrderId("xxxx"), Trade.byOrderId("yyyy") {
orderStatus = OrderStatus.CANCELLED

db.updateAll<Trade> {
orderStatus = OrderStatus.CANCELLED
db.updateBy(Trade.byId("xxx"), trade -> {

db.updateByRange(Trade.byOrderId("xxxx"), trade -> {

db.updateByRange(Trade.byOrderId("xxxx"), Trade.byOrderId("yyyy"), trade -> {

db.updateAll(Trade.class, trade -> {


If the underlying database supports transactions, then the entity db provides type-safe access to these. A read transaction will support the same read operations as the entity db, and a write transaction will support the same read and write operations. If a write transaction fails, all operations will be reverted. Subscribe operations are not supported within transactions.

Currently, transactions are supported on FoundationDb and Postgresql. Using transaction on Aerospike will result in a failure.

When code is expected to run on multiple database types, transactions should be used when available. You can use safeReadTransaction and safeWriteTransaction. These will run operations in the block in a single transaction, if supported.

There is a distinction between using Kotlin and Java here.

  • When using Kotlin, the transaction is the receiver in the readTransaction call. This means that within the block, this refers to the transaction.
  • When using Java, the transaction is the first parameter of the lambda.

Read transactions

Read transactions ensure all read operations are consistent. Intervening writes will not affect reads within the transaction. The return value in the transaction will also be returned from the transaction. For the RxEntityDb, it will be a Single<*>.

<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

val orderTrade = db.readTransaction {
val trade = get(Trade.byId("TR_123"))
val order = get(Order.byId(trade.orderId))
buildOrderTrade(order, trade)
Single<OrderTrade> oderTrade = db.readTransaction(transaction -> {
final var trade = transaction.get(Trade.byId("TR_123")).blockingGet();
final var order = transaction.get(Order.byId(trade.orderId)).blockingGet();
return buildOrderTrade(order, trade);

Write transactions

Write transactions ensure all read and write operations are consistent. If any exception reaches the transaction level, all writes are rolled back. The writeTransaction will return a Pair<T, List<EntityWriteResult<*>>>, where T is the value returned in the writeTransaction lambda.

<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

val (orderId, writeResults) = db.writeTransaction {
val orderInsert = insert(order)
final var pair = db.writeTransaction(transaction -> {
final var orderInsert = insert(order).blockingGet();
return orderInsert.getRecord.getOrderId();
final var orderId = pair.getFirst();
final var writeResults = pair.getSecond();

Subscribe operations


Subscribe starts a database listener that receives updates to tables or views. When subscribing to view updates, only updates to the root table will be published.

If the view has any inner joins, these are handled in a range of different ways.

For tables, this works in the standard way. You subscribe to updates, and:

  • when a record is inserted, you get an insert update
  • when a record is modified you get a modify update
  • when a record is deleted you get a delete update

For views, when a record is inserted to the root table, you get an insert update. Modify and delete work the same way.

However, if there is an inner join, there is a range of outcomes.

For example, if you join onto counterparty, and you only return records for which you have a valid counterparty:

  • if there is an insert with no valid counterparty, the listener to view will not receive the insert
  • if there is a delete with no valid counterparty, the listener to view will not receive the delete

And if there is a modify:

  • if both the previous record and the new record link to an existing counterparty, nothing changes
  • if the previous record was linked to an invalid counterparty and the new record links to a valid counterparty, it will transform the modify to an insert – because the record has moved into the view
  • if the previous record linked to a valid counterparty, but no longer does after the update, it becomes a delete

Subscribe parameters

Subscribe supports the following parameters:

  • delay: Int the listener will batch updates every x milliseconds
  • fields: Set<String> filters ModifyResult on fields
  • subscribeLocally: Boolean only publish updates that are local to the node


The rx entity db takes a Class<E>, whereas the async entity db takes a KClass<E>. Parameters marked with an asterisk(*) are optional.

  1. subscribe([KClass<E> / Class<E>], delay*, fields*, subscribeLocally*): Flow<E>

These functions are available in kotlin only:

  1. subscribe<E>(delay*, fields*, subscribeLocally*): Flow<E>

<Tabs defaultValue="kotlin" values={[{ label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', }, { label: 'Java', value: 'java', }]}>

val subscription = launch {
.collect { update ->
println("Received a trade update! $update")
final var subscription = db.subscribe(Trade.class)
.subscribe(update -> {
System.out.println("Received a trade update! " + update);

Bulk subscribe

The bulkSubscribe combines a getBulk and a subscribe call into a single function. This operation is useful when a class needs to read a full table and then receive updates of changes to the underlying table or view.

This operation supports backward joins for views. This means that it can receive updates to the root table and the joined tables. The view needs to support this in the definition, and it must be enabled on the bulkSubscribe call.

bulkSubscribe supports the following parameters:

  • delay: Int the listener will batch updates every x milliseconds
  • fields: Set<String> filters ModifyResult on fields
  • index: UniqueEntityIndex<E> the index to use for the getBulk part of the call
  • subscribeLocally: Boolean only publish updates local to the node
  • backwardJoins: Boolean enable backward joins in views


Parameters marked with an asterisk(*) are optional.

  1. bulkSubscribe([Class<E> / KClass<E>], fields*, delay*, index*, subscribeLocally*, backwardJoins*) : Flow<Bulk<E>>

These functions are available in Kotlin only:

  1. bulkSubscribe<E>(fields*, delay*, index*, subscribeLocally*, backwardJoins*) : Flow<Bulk<E>>

Range subscribe

Range subscribe is like bulk subscribe, but it combines a getRange with subscribe. This operation is useful when a class needs to read part of a table or view and then keep updated of any changes. The range will be applied to the subscribe as well. As such, the update type will reflect whether a row comes into the range or moves out of the range, rather than what happened in the database. This means that a ModifyResult<E> might be converted to an InsertResult<E> or a DeleteResult<E>.

Furthermore, rangeSubscribe can take a static range (for example, all USD trades) or a dynamic range (for example, all trades booked within the last 2 hours). The dynamic range will be updated on a schedule, either at an interval or at a time.


rangeSubscribe supports the following parameters:

  • delay: Int the listener will batch updates every x milliseconds
  • numKeyFields: Int the number of key fields to take into account for the range
  • fields: Set<String> filters ModifyResult on fields
  • index: UniqueEntityIndex<E> the index to use for the getBulk part of the call
  • subscribeLocally: Boolean only publish updates local to the node
  • backwardJoins: Boolean enable backward joins in views
  • updateFrequency: PalDuration a schedule for updating dynamic ranges
  • rangeProvider: () -> EntityIndex<E> a lambda providing a EntityIndex<E>, for use in dynamic ranges

Static range

  • rangeSubscribe(from: EntityIndex<E>, to: EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields*, delay*, fields*, subscribeLocally*, backwardJoins*): Flow<Bulk<E>>
  • rangeSubscribe(EntityIndex<E>, numKeyFields*, delay*, fields*, subscribeLocally*, backwardJoins*): Flow<Bulk<E>>
  • rangeSubscribe(rangeProvider, rangeProvider, updateFrequency, numKeyFields*, delay*, fields*, subscribeLocally*, backwardJoins*): Flow<Bulk<E>>
  • rangeSubscribe(rangeProvider, updateFrequency, numKeyFields*, delay*, fields*, subscribeLocally*, backwardJoins*): Flow<Bulk<E>>