Customizing the header
You can customize:
You can customize:
This file contains some extra configuration option explanations, as well as some examples.
foundation-header is a micro front-end consisting of a navigation bar and a flyout menu, with routing, account-logout capabilities, and the ability to change the current language.
All layouts can be specified with a mixture of just three Genesis elements using just HTML templates.
The JavaScript API is accessed through the methods on the root layout object and allows for saving/loading the layout state, and dynamically adding items to the layout at runtime.
Rapid layout is a module that enables users to perform actions such as dragging, resizing, and re-ordering windows.
If the foundation-header component has not been implemented in your project, follow the steps below to add this micro front-end to your application.
Incorrect examples
The foundation-header component can display a language selector if the `show-language-selector` attribute is set. This enables users to switch between different languages within the application.