Accordions allow users to expand or collapse sections of content on a page.
Accordions allow users to expand or collapse sections of content on a page.
Anchors add different types of links to your page.
Anchored regions are containers which position content relative to the anchor element. The anchored region can react to the available space between the anchor and a parent "viewport" element such that the region is placed on the side of the anchor with the most available space, or even resize itself based on that space.
Use cases:
Use cases:
A combo-box is an input with an associated pop-up that enables users to select one value from a collection of possible values.
The segmented control generates criteria based on the selected item.
Dialogs are popup menus which take focus and prohibit the user interacting with the content behind.
Dropdown-menu component allows you to create nested menus with menu-items
This is a utility element that listens to an event on its parent element and broadcasts the event detail payload on an FDC3 Channel.
This is a utility element that listens to an FDC3 app channel for the specified context.
This is a utility element that pipes notifications to notifications
This is a utility element that listens to any raised intents in FDC3 that are handled by the application.
This is a utility element that pipes notifications to Openfin notifications
This is a utility element that listens to the FDC3 system channel (also known as a user or color channel) for the specified context.
Use cases:
Flippers are styled buttons which can be used to indicate moving through blocks of content.
Listboxes are menus that display options and allow the user to select one. Listboxes are the menu which displays when clicking a ``.
The menu is a component which lists choices for a user, such as allowing them to select actions.
A modal is a type of dialog that prevents the user from interacting with other content on the page. Usually, when an active modal is displayed, all other content on the screen is dimmed. The user is unable to move focus to other windows or dialogs. This forces the user to deal with the modal before moving to other work on the application.
Use cases:
Use cases:
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A segmented control is a set of checkable buttons. No more than one button can be checked at a time. When a user checks an unchecked button, the previously checked button is automatically unchecked.
Use cases:
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Tabs are a set of layered sections of content that display one panel of content at a time. Each tab panel has an associated tab element, that when activated, displays the panel. The list of tab elements is arranged along one edge of the currently displayed panel.
Use cases:
Use cases:
Use cases:
Links to another html element and displays popup information when the user hovers.
A tree view widget presents a hierarchical list. Any item in the hierarchy may have child items, and items that have children may be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the children.