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Serializer utilities

This contains a comprehensive JSON serialization and deserialization solution, designed to support complex data structures, including those involving big integers and custom object types, ensuring robust and flexible handling of JSON data.

Key features

  • customNumberParser Function: Enhances the parsing of numeric values, supporting safe integers, floating-point numbers, and BigInt values.
  • JSONSerializer Interface: Defines methods for serializing objects to JSON strings and deserializing JSON strings to JavaScript objects, with support for HTTP response objects and message event data.
  • DefaultJSONSerializer Class: Implements the JSONSerializer interface, providing default serialization and deserialization behaviors that can be customized via the JSONSerializerConfig.
  • JSONReplacer and JSONReviver Functions: Facilitate custom serialization and deserialization processes, allowing for the handling of special types, such as dates and NaN values, and the exclusion of properties with specific key prefixes.


JSON serialization/deserialization

The JSONSerializer DI Token enables the serialization and deserialization of complex objects, including BigInt values and custom object types, ensuring that JSON data is accurately represented in JavaScript.


Inject the UUID class dependency like this in Angular and React.

import { JSONSerializer } from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';
import { GenesisElement } from '@genesislcap/web-core';

export class MyService extends GenesisElement {
@JSONSerializer serializer!: JSONSerializer; // DI token

const object = { date: new Date(), bigNumber: BigInt(12345678901234567890) };
const jsonString = serializer.serialize(object);
console.log(jsonString); // Outputs a JSON string with custom formatting

const parsedObject = serializer.deserialize(jsonString);
console.log(parsedObject); // Outputs the original object with date and bigNumber correctly parsed

Configuring the serializer

You can customize the default serializer behaviour by providing a JSONSerializerConfig instance, which defines custom parsing and stringifying logic, including the handling of BigInt values and special object types.

Custom number parsing

The customNumberParser function is crucial for correctly handling numerical values during deserialization, ensuring that numbers are accurately represented in the resulting JavaScript objects.

import { customNumberParser } from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';

const parsedNumber = customNumberParser("12345678901234567890");
console.log(parsedNumber); // Outputs a BigInt

Key points

  • Use the serializer and parser utilities for consistent handling of JSON data, especially when dealing with large numbers or custom object types.
  • Use the DI system to manage serializer instances, ensuring that custom configurations are centrally managed and easily accessible.
  • Employ the JSONReplacer and JSONReviver functions for custom serialization and deserialization needs, such as handling dates or excluding private properties.