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Styles utilities

The platform provides a comprehensive suite of utilities and components for dynamic style management, including CSS rule insertion, font-face loading, and the application of styles to custom elements.

Key features

  • Encapsulated Style Management: Allows styles to be defined and dynamically changed for custom elements, supporting encapsulated styling strategies.
  • Font Face Loading: Simplifies the loading of custom font faces by generating and applying the necessary CSS rules.
  • Dynamic CSS Rule Insertion: Enables the insertion of CSS rules into the document, facilitating dynamic style updates.
  • Element Style Conversion: Converts ComposableStyles or an array of ComposableStyles into ElementStyles for efficient style application.

Use cases

This module is ideal for:

  • Dynamic style management.
  • Enhanced styling, flexibility and maintainability


Dynamic style application with SlottedStyles

The SlottedStyles custom element enables the encapsulation and dynamic application of styles to slotted content. It observes changes to its styles property and applies the new styles to its parent element's shadow DOM or to the document.


const slottedStyles = css`
.content {
background: red;

name: 'my-element',
template: html`
<rapid-button> <slotted-styles :styles="${() => slottedStyles}"></slotted-styles> Slotted styles button </rapid-button>
export class MyElement extends GenesisElement {

CSS rule and font-face management

Inserting CSS rules

The insertDocumentCSSRule utility function dynamically inserts CSS rules into the document, creating a new <style> element or using an existing one that is identified by a specific ID.

import { insertDocumentCSSRule } from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';

// Insert a global CSS rule
insertDocumentCSSRule('.my-class { color: red; }', 'my-style-element-id');

Loading font faces

The loadFontFaces function simplifies the process of defining and loading custom font faces by automatically generating the necessary CSS rules and applying them to the document.

import { loadFontFaces } from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';

// Load custom font faces
@font-face {
font-family: 'CustomFont';
src: url('/path/to/custom-font.woff2') format('woff2');
`, 'custom-font-styles');

Style conversion

The toElementStyles function converts ComposableStyles or an array of ComposableStyles into ElementStyles, streamlining the application of styles within @genesislcap/genesis-element components.

import { toElementStyles } from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';

// Define styles
const myStyles = toElementStyles(`:host { display: block; }`);

// Apply styles to a slotted-styles element
document.querySelector('some-element').styles = myStyles;

Key points

  • Scoped Style Application: Use SlottedStyles for scoped style management within components, ensuring styles are applied predictably and without leaking into the global scope.
  • Efficient Font Loading: When using loadFontFaces, ensure fonts are loaded efficiently to minimize the impact on page load times and to prevent layout shifts.
  • Semantic ID Naming: Choose meaningful IDs for style and font elements to ensure maintainability and prevent conflicts.