Process cache
Database caching on local microservices is supported out of the box. You can configure a caching layer for any Genesis module. The cache can reduce the database workload for tables that contain static data.
The caching mechanism applies to single-record database-look-up operations across the whole microservice runtime.
There are two ways of defining the cache for a module:
- in XML format, inside the config file of the process.
- in GPAL format. The GPAL format is generally used for microservices using a GPAL script (defined in the script attribute in processes.xml). The cache file is defined in the config attribute of the process definition. The GPAL file naming convention is: application-process-config.kts
The options for both XML and GPAL are:
- expireAfterWrite. The period of time that an entry will be cached following the last time it was written (or replaced). The timeUnit attribute specifies the unit of time for the period (NANOSECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS or DAYS). SECONDS is the default value. Default: 600 seconds.
- expireAfterAccess. The period of time that an entry will be cached since the last time it was read. This option uses the timeUnit attribute in the same way as expireAfterWrite to define the unit of time for the period. Default: 300 seconds.
- initialCapacity. This is the number of entries the cache will be able to hold without extending its size since the start of the process. Default: 10000.
- maximumEntries . This is the limit of entries we can hold in our cache. If the limit is achieved, entries will be replaced with an LRU algorithm. Default: 10000.
- multipleKeys. This setting has been deprecated and has no effect as of 2022.2 release. In order to achieve similar functionality, the indices option for each table has been introduced.
- update. This setting implies the cache will update currently cached records with the latest information as they are updated in the database layer. Default: false.
- loadOnStart. This global option enables pre-loading database tables in cache before the process starts and it applies as a default for all tables defined in the tables section. Default: false.
- insertNewEntries. If you set this to true, it will force the caching of new records inserted for each table. Standard behaviour won't cache records inserted if they haven't been read before. Default: false.
- tables
- name is the only mandatory setting for each table definition, and it is used to identify the database tables to be cached.
- loadOnStart, update and insertNewEntries options are also available at this level. The behaviour and default values have the same effect as their global settings counterparty described above, but apply at the specific table level.
- The indices setting allows you to provide a set of unique indices to be cached as part of the update and loadOnStart operations.
Choosing the right index definition is paramount to improving view query performance. If you define a view on database tables, and you are joining on an index that is not part of the cache configuration, the cache will not accelerate your database read operations.
XML example
<expireAfterWrite timeUnit="SECONDS">600</expireAfterWrite>
<expireAfterAccess timeUnit="SECONDS">300</expireAfterAccess>
<table name="TRADE" />
<table name="CLIENT" loadOnStart="false"/>
<table name="COUNTERPARTY" update="true" indices="COUNTERPARTY_BY_ID|COUNTERPARTY_BY_LONG_NAME" insertNewEntries="true"/>
GPAL example
As well as making specific cache settings, the example below shows the GPAL process-config being used to override system-definition values on a per microservice basis. Any process that uses this config is given a bigger Db connection pool size (50).
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
process {
systemDefinition {
item(name = "DbSqlConnectionPoolSize", value = 50)
cacheConfig {
expireAfterAccess(1, TimeUnit.DAYS)
expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.DAYS)
update = false
initialCapacity = 20_000
maximumEntries = 30_000
insertNewEntries = false
loadOnStart = true
tables {
table(CLIENT, loadOnStart = false)
table(COUNTERPARTY, update = true, indices = listOf(COUNTERPARTY.BY_ID, COUNTERPARTY.BY_LONG_NAME), insertNewEntries = true)
GPAL processes.xml example
<options>-Xmx128m -DXSD_VALIDATE=false</options>
<description>Displays real-time authentication/authorisation details</description>
Note: If no configuration is found at all for a process, or if some fields are missing, the internal cache configuration will be filled with default values for every missing parameter. You can still use the database cache programmatically by adding tables manually in the code base using db.getCache().addTable("TABLE")