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Now that you have completed the Quick Start and are comfortable with the basics, it is time to build an advanced application that will demonstrate more features of the platform.

Genesis training

We offer three distinct training, each of which has a different focus:

  • Developer training - general training with server and web elements to create a solid foundation of knowledge and skills.
  • Web developer training - strong training to provide the trainee a solid knowledge of the web elements of the platform.
  • Server developer training - strong training to provide the trainee a solid knowledge of the server elements of the platform.

We strongly recommend that you start with the Developer training. Then you can choose a path through either server or web training (or both; it is your call).

To illustrate why it is important to start with the Developer training, here is a list of some of the basic features covered by this training:

These topics are the foundation for the two other advanced training we offer: (Web developer training and Server developer training).